Super Budget Rakdos Burn/Removal!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 21, 2013, 7:36 p.m. by Prehstun

I just wanted personal opinions on the deck! It was super fun and I decided to save the list and maybe turn it into a real thing one day :) For now, well its just what the description says it is! Suggestions more than welcome! Here's a link!

deck chart Super Budget Rakdos Burn/Removal!

Standard Prehstun Playtest


nurzaani says... #2

I play tested it a few times, and some cards I would recommend to help you in the long run would be Burning-Tree Emissary , Shadow Alley Denizen and Foundry Street Denizen .

1-drops will really help when you go to bring gray merchant out. try to get rid of a lot of the 1-black high cost colorless, and replace them with the Shadow Alley Denizen or other really cheap black cards.

the Burning-Tree Emissary will help with giving you more mana for bringing more stuff out for say, a removal or a creature.

just my opinion. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.

December 21, 2013 8:01 p.m.

Prehstun says... #3

Yeah, I would have liked to have been able to play Burning-Tree Emissary but I don't have any at the moment, I'm actually waiting for my playset of them to come in the mail. Traded for them a couple days ago! But I'll give Shadow Alley Denizen and Foundry Street Denizen Out. I'm sure there's some lying out around the shop. Thanks :)

December 21, 2013 8:23 p.m.

nurzaani says... #4

The cheaper the black cards, the more devotion you can get out of it in the long run.

I usually save gray merchant for if im at an "oh crap, I might lose next turn if I don't play it now"

then it kills them and they cry(not literally) because they were 100% sure they were going to win.

December 21, 2013 10:08 p.m.

Prehstun says... #5

Yuhp xD Gary is SOOOO good. Shouldn't even be allowed to be a common, even at a 5 drop he's still hangin with the best cards in Theros in my honest opinion. He's great. Decided to toss in some Tormented Hero 's and some Titan's Strength // Madcap Skills to hit his Heroic or just bash in some extra damage at the least.

December 21, 2013 10:12 p.m.

nurzaani says... #6

I just play tested it a few more times, and previously it would take approx 8 or 9 turns to deal about kill them if they don't block and you can keep it as a removal, which by your 8th or 9th turn they would most likely be able to kill you with big creatures unless you were to pull out a doomblade.

this one you would win by turn 4 or 5, which unless they had a board wipe in hand by then(which isn't likely) you would probably win 7/10 times.

December 22, 2013 7:31 a.m.

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