Swarming Deck?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 3, 2011, 12:22 a.m. by hygroscopicguy
I'm selling off $160 in spare rares and mythics I've got laying around so I can focus on one potent deck. I think I've decided that I want to swarm/overwhelm my opponent. It sounds like I'm looking for some sort of tribal white or green, perhaps soldiers and/or knights? I'm just worried about the long list of bombs that are floating around in Standard and how easy it would be to wipe clean 30 Soldier tokens with an elish-norn,-gran-cenobite. Any ideas?
Another good option it=s to focus solely on a type (Myr as in my example) and pump them up with enchantments like Tempered Steel and other good cards, for tokens to swarm and work well Parallel Lives and buffs like Intangible Virtue or Honor of the Pure (for the soldiers/whites) will work wonders. Hero of Bladehold is AMAZING for what she can do. If you want take a look at my deck What can Myr do for you!?
Epochalyptik says... #2
So you're keeping this Standard?
You might look at token decks using Gavony Township and assorted generators. I think they may be the closest thing to what you're trying to do here. Martin Juza's deck here is a good outline for the concept.
December 3, 2011 2:17 a.m.