T2: Opinions on R/U/G?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 3, 2013, 11:33 p.m. by Sl1p5

I wanted to try this after enjoying the America control builds I've seen, but I hate white. Pulling the Rug (Midrange) I'd like opinions on it and whether it's viable in standard. I'm fairly new to red in standard so I might have overlooked some better cards.

Jay says... #2

My personal opinion is that RUG as a whole is lacking. I think decks without B or W are just unstable. That being said, it's fine for tier 2 but I don't expect it could be competitive.

Sorry if I sound like a downer, Orzhov master race

August 3, 2013 11:58 p.m.

Sl1p5 says... #3

That's alright, I know it's hard to compete with what's big in standard, but I'd like to try it.Without good synergy between the guild colors in RUG, you get a pile of good cards from each color. Even then, only Junk and Aristocrat decks even rely on synergy. Looking at the most popular cards on tcgplayer, it seems that R and G are essential in standard right now, followed by white, black, and blue. Having said that, R/G aggro is the only viable bicolor build in competitive right now.

August 4, 2013 12:18 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #4

I agree with that RUG is lacking a lot of the tools and synergy that other tri-colour decks have in abundance. I wouldn't necessarily say you must play or splash black or white to make a stable deck. Izzet controlburn, GR aggro and Simic aggro are all viable options for standard play.

But yes, it is definitely difficult to spot the synergies in RUG.

In my opinion (and I haven't looked at your deck yet, so you may or may not already be doing this) RUG works best as aggro-combo. Mainly utilizing stuff like Cloudfin Raptor and Rapid Hybridization alongside Experiment One , Flinthoof Boar and Burning-Tree Emissary and curving into something like Thundermaw Hellkite or Kalonian Hydra , Whilst also utilizing red removal spells and Cyclonic Rift .

August 4, 2013 4:38 a.m.

Valentine35 says... #5

Use Flinthoof Boar , he is probably my favorite card right now in standard! He won't disappoint.

August 4, 2013 8:03 a.m.

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