Teacher asks for deck ideas for his soon to start MTG course
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 26, 2020, 8:40 a.m. by pipopular
Hello everyone,
starting next week´s Monday I will be carrying out an MTG course for younger learners (which I am totally excited about!!).
My idea is to provide them with the cards as well as with finished decks to begin with.
At the weekend I want to put together something around 12 decks (there will be 12 students in the course) of 40 cards each. I am thinking about adding a 10 card sideboard to introduce sideboarding in Bo3 matches later as well.
Unfortunately, I don´t see myself having a lot of time putting together those decks from scratch. This is where I am asking for help:
Are there any experienced deck builders around who find joy in putting together rough ideas of decks that cover basic rules and are well suited for beginners of the game (aged 12-13 years old, boys and girls). It would be of great help for me if you shared some of your ideas.
I have only started playing MTG again when Guilds of Ravnica was released. I have all the commons and uncommons from the sets since then (excluding Ikoria) - so that would be the pool of cards to build the decks with.
I will surely want five mono-coloured decks and probably not more than two colours in the other ones.
I am grateful for any ideas. Thank you so much!
when you say next week monday do you mean the 31st? if so it's not a lot of time but i can try and take a crack at it.
August 26, 2020 9:34 a.m.
TriusMalarky says... #4
I can speedbrew a few, that's what I'm good at. I really recommend going the full 60/15 though, it'll be a lot easier for them to understand. You'd likely just be adding another thing they have to relearn, making it harder.
On that note, I have ideas for:
R/W Cycling
G/B or W/G 'Scales'(I can make Abzan work in a budget too)
Mardu Knights(works, there's an untapped triple land for the archetype that's $0.5)
Blue Tempo
Red Aggro
White Weenie
B/W Control
Mono Black Devo/Control
G/B Delve
I can get a rough draft for a deck done in half an hour, and I already have that done for half of these.
August 26, 2020 9:43 a.m.
Your feedback has been really helpful already. Thank you!
I will go up to 60 cards per deck (plus 15 sideboard cards). The reasoning behind that 40 cards idea was mainly to have two decks sleeved with a hundred sleeves pack. I might as well get those 9 instead of 6 packs of sleeves from my local game store.
To Pikobyte: I cannot build those decks from my collection, unfortunately. Thanks, though!
To aholder7: That´s correct, starting August 31st. If you could get anything done, I´d be very grateful.
To TriusMalarky: Go for it! Maybe starting with more "basic" ideas like Elves, White Weenie, Stompy, Red Aggro, Fliers and Blue Tempo? It would be of enormous help! I also like your argument to start with 60 cards from the beginning. Thank you!
To DeinoStinkus: I might not have those mythics in my collection.
If you could help me out, please consider that we are building on a budget here. I want to include commons and uncommons only. I might include some low value rares or mythics into those decks as well, depending what I can spare and what fits. I assume it will be exciting for the kids to cast those. I won´t have time to order new cards until then.
Thank you for your help!
August 26, 2020 10:08 a.m.
Build the 10 guilds from ravnica. Check here those are $10 60 card decks that are meant to be all around the same power level
August 26, 2020 10:22 a.m.
Tribal decks can be cheap ( assuming you stay away from high dollar cards), easy to build and use. Slivers goblins and elves come to mind as good examples. And they are easy to upgrade if your students dig them and choose to spend the money.
August 26, 2020 10:33 a.m.
TriusMalarky says... #8
I'll pull up some lists.
Some of my mentioned decks(like Elves and Control) REALLY need specific rares to be functional, and many of those decks need a playset of a specific rare(only about $1 each tho, bulk cards that carry the archetype like Benalish Marshal). I'll include a rareland manabase that's as cheap as possible, but DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use the rare manabase on only one or two decks. It has to be every multicolored deck or there will be bad imbalance.
August 26, 2020 10:34 a.m.
TriusMalarky says... #9
White Weenie
4x Dryad Militant
4x Dauntless Bodyguard
4x Dragon Hunter
4x Skymarcher Aspirant
4x Squadron Hawk
4x Raise the Alarm
4x Militia Bugler
4x Pride of Conquerors
4x Benalish Marshal
4x Oppressive Rays
20x Plains
4x Arashin Cleric
4x Law-Rune Enforcer
4x Valorous Stance
3x Stasis Snare
T1 - Land, Weenie
T2 - Land, 2x Weenie
T3 - Either Weenies or Land, Marshal/Bugler
Builds a devastating board state early, and uses Hawk and Bugler to keep fuel for a couple more turns.
Meta Role:
Absolutely Crushes bug creature strategies, and is a relevant threat to everyone else. Wins quickly, but can grind a little bit.
Black Devotion
4x Disfigure
4x Flaying Tendrils(or anything else that gives all creatures -2/-2)
4x Cast Down
4x Yarok's Fenlurker
4x Gifted Aetherborn
4x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
4x Read the Bones
4x Sign in Blood
4x Gurmag Angler
1-2 more removal, or Gonti Lord of Luxury
22-23x Swamp
4x Duress
4x Mind Rot
4x Bile Blight
3x other 3-mana each creature gets -2/-2
Kills creatures and disrupts hands before winning with Gary or Angler
Meta Role:
The mediator. Is able to deal with everything extremely effectively, but has a mediocre endgame. Whoever plays this gets the advantage of a deck that's built to be able to kill everything else in the budget range, but a much worse win con. Much of your learning curve and lessons will end up being about beating mono black.
Red Aggro
4x Scorch Spitter
4x Viashino Pyromancer
4x Rakdos Cackler
4x Shock
4x Lightning Strike
4x Skewer the Critics
4x Light up the Stage
4x Searing Blood
4x Foundry Street Denizen
4x Anax, Hardened in the Forge/Goblin Chainwhirler(you can also add more of these and cut some Light and Blood. 6 total max.)
20x Mountain
4x Blazing Volley
4x Lava Coil
4x Roast
3x Fire Prophecy
Super aggressive. Can be faster than Weenie, but has less of a lategame and a worse sideboard.
Meta Role: The enforcer. This deck's presence, more than any other deck, forces opponents to mulligan correctly.
Notes: I don't know exactly how you'll be teaching, but I'm assuming you're going to do some sort of tournament between the kids. Remember to have a good balance of archetypes: You want aggro to force players to understand how to mulligan and how important the first couple turns are, you want control to keep the aggro in check, and you want midrangey decks to make sure nobody's just cheesing their matches.
August 26, 2020 11:20 a.m.
The last few months I've been doing something similar to your plan but I've only had one student, my 5 year olds son. For my plan of having a a ton of decks to teach Magic with I mostly focused on going through my collection and looking for cheapo rares I had duplicates of and using them as the basis for the decks. I decided this was not only a great place to use junk rares but it seemed important to focus on including as many duplicates as possible to simplify learning and focus the deck strategies. The end result has been great fun 14 decks later. However, I must confess he has likely learned more about playing Magic from playing on Arena. It's an amazing tool for learning Magic. Thinking back 25 years ago to when I was trying to figure out the rules with my friend using the little paper rule book they used to include in revised starter decks, it's hard to believe the game was ever played at all.
August 26, 2020 11:56 a.m.
The single most important thing to remember: All decks should be at a similar power level. If a few decks consistently win more than the others, that is going to make people less inclined to enjoy the game.
One thing to remember--with ultra budget decks, mono-colored decks have a huge advantage. By virtue of being mono colored, they do not need to run lands that enter tapped and they never have issues with being able to cast cards. To offset that problem, I would recommend you be sure to include some nonbasic lands that enter tapped.
Overall, I think you should build 15 decks--that way you hit all the 2 color pairs and all the mono-colored decks. That will help with deck diversity and ensure everyone can find a deck they want to play.
It sounds like you mostly want to build from your collection, rather than buy cards (which is what others here are suggesting). That makes sense, and, if doing so, it likewise makes sense to use 40-card draft- style decks. You might need to still buy some relatively cheep cards (nonbasic lands mostly) to ensure the decks are all at similar power levels.
You are going to want:
- 16-17 lands - containing a 4-6 nonbasic lands that enter tapped. Decks with a lower curve are going to want fewer lands.
- 4-6 pieces of "removal" - I'd include counterspells on the removal list. Control lists might have more spells.
- The rest creatures, with a relatively low curve.
For the decks, I think the following should not be too hard to build given what you already have in your collection:
For mono-colored decks:
- Mono-blue Counterspells - fill the deck with blue draw cards, counterspells, and flash creatures (there's some solid flash flying piexies in recent sets).
- Mono-Red Burn - Low-cost creatures and medium cost burn spells that can either go directly to the face. Mono-red burn has been a competitive deck for an age--it might be tempting to use low cost burn spells and low-cost hasty creatures, but I would avoid that or this deck might be too powerful.
- Mono-white lifegain, focused on cards that cause you to gain life when creatures enter and low-cost lifelink cards. Ajani's Pridemate being a huge star.
- Mono-green ramp, using cards like Llanowar Elves to pump out big creatures.
- Mono-black control - focus on killing others' creatures through removal and deathtouch until you can drop large, fun demons.
For two-color decks:
- Blue-White fliers - some control elements, but mostly efficient creatures that fly.
- Blue-Red contorl-burn - Focused on Izzet cards from Ravnica, cast counterspells and burn-based removal until you can cast Crackling Drake or other similar cards for the victory.
- Blue-Green - Draw and add +1/+1 counters deck.
- Blue-Black - Survail deck. Survail was a fun mechanic with some interesting cards like Disinformation Campaign and Dimir Spybug. It's not really upgradable due to lack of support outside of a single set, but it should be fine at this level of play.
- Red-Green - Some ramp into large Red-Green creatures. Ravnica will have lots of these.
- Red-Black - Discard-based control, with some Spectacle thrown in for fun.
- Red-White - Soldier tokens.
- Green-Black - Graveyard shenanigans, bringing cards back to your hand/battlefield.
- Green-White - I'd focus on convoke, dropping some small creatures to play big ones.
- White-Black - Aristocrats; sacrificing creatures for additional value.
August 26, 2020 11:59 a.m.
Check with your LGS if you can, they may have some spare free 40 card decks that WoTC sent out for getting people into the game.
I am a librarian and have started a couple of free MTG programs at different libraries, and I was able to get 30 or so decks donated from various shops.
August 26, 2020 12:17 p.m.
You guys are awesome! Thanks a million!
There is one game store around and they were out of decks to give away when I asked them a few days ago. They said they only got such decks at random from Wizards and didn´t know when to expect fresh ones.
Reconsidering, I think that it´s best to follow my initial idea, and construct a few 40 cards decks. I believe that for beginners handling a smaller amount of cards while at the same time getting to learn about the very different strategies the colours provide this might be the right way. We might end up crafting our own decks at the end of the term. Until then I think 40 cards decks + SB will suffice. I particularly like your blueprint to achieve a somewhat balanced variety of different decks and archetypes, Caerwyn. Much appreciated!
Maybe before crafting unique decks I will put together your decks, TriusMalarky, and bring them to class for the pupils to get some more insight into MTG. Thank you for your helpful ideas.
This has been some solid feedback thus far. You guys are awesome! If anyone still feels like putting together a 40 card deck based on Caerwyns post and posting a list, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks again!
August 26, 2020 12:50 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #14
I can modify my lists to work in 40-card, while adding the nerfed lands. Dominaria's memorials are really good for that.
August 26, 2020 1:02 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #15
4x Dryad Militant
4x Dauntless Bodyguard
4x Dragon Hunter
4x Squadron Hawk
4x Pride of Conquerors
4x Benalish Marshal
4x Oppressive Rays
16x Plains
3x Arashin Cleric
3x Valorous Stance
4x Stasis Snare
August 26, 2020 2:25 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #16
Oh wait, cut 2x Dragon Hunter 1x Marshal 1x Pride, that's 44
August 26, 2020 2:26 p.m.
libraryjoy says... #17
Here's my contribution for now. Hope it suits! Of course you can modify based on the cards you have, but this is a good start.
August 26, 2020 5:36 p.m.
DragonSliver9001 says... #18
just buy precons. it's not cool to ask us to do the work for you and scour all of magics history just to build a deck for noobies. especially if you want to build using your own collection and we don't know what you have available. also why set a specific date to start teaching newbies when you're not even prepared yet?
August 27, 2020 1:41 p.m.
Flooremoji says... #19
DragonSliver9001 I mean, some people enjoy the challenge and love to brew. Besides, no one was obligated to help anyway.
August 27, 2020 2:03 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #20
There's a reason I don't brew much anymore, and that's because I'd end up spending more money than there is in the universe to build every deck I come up with.
This post was like 'hey, want your old addiction back' and I love it.
I need rehab, pls send sausage pizza and Dr. Pepper so I can distract myself from Magic for a month. Or a DnD playgroup. Or twitch followers. Or just two bucks. I'm in the deep end and I can't swim.
(JK not that bad, but I did brew five different decks and playtest them in one day instead of Stats homework. Still not as bad as the stats I did on polearm fighter attacks i did for DnD tho, that was crazy)
August 27, 2020 2:38 p.m.
libraryjoy says... #21
TriusMalarky I'm kind of in the same boat. I build budget decks, and actually have one coming in the mail. So brewing any more right now just means building another deck I'll want but can't have. This was a lot of fun, and I'm hoping to maybe do a red green deck yet today, but, life. A little more time would have been nice, but I'll offer what I can in the time I have. I enjoy a good challenge!
August 27, 2020 3:18 p.m.
I´m glad I can provide you with a challenge for your deck building addictions!
I´d like to share some insight into my work routine these days. It is half past ten in the evening where I live and I have only just finished preparing lessons for tomorrow. I´ll grab some food now and then go to bed soon. It is like that at the beginning of every school year but somehow I still find joy in what I do! I didn´t mean to bother you DragonSliver9001. Just go on with what it is you enjoy and have a nice day!
I thank you libraryjoy and also thanks to TriusMalarky. Your White Weenie deck is a great point of orientation for me and will probably be turned into one of those decks (slighty changed though as my collection only starts from the Ravnica block).
August 27, 2020 3:45 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #23
Oh, yeah, I forgot that Squadron Hawk wasn't included in that list. Legion Conquistador should do the trick.
4x Disfigure
4x Flaying Tendrils(or anything else that gives all creatures -2/-2)
4x Cast Down
4x Yarok's Fenlurker
4x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
4x Read the Bones
16x Swamp
4x Duress
3x Mind Rot
3x Bile Blight
August 27, 2020 4:27 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #24
Also, use some Memorial to Folly, Zhalfirin Void and Memorial to Glory in those two decks as taplands and ways to slow down the mono color manabases. Void's great because it's not actually tapped, but it can still screw with the curve just a little.
Don't go too heavy, though -- 2x memorial, 3x Void should work, while any 2-color decks should have about 4-5 dual taplands.
August 27, 2020 4:30 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #25
Memorial to Unity, Memorial to War and Memorial to Genius. Also try Blighted Woodland in any ramp deck you use, and Skyline Cascade in control. The other gorges might work as well.
August 27, 2020 4:34 p.m.
libraryjoy says... #26
Here's my take on big gruul creatures - Giants, Dragons, Dinosaurs, let the fun begin!
August 27, 2020 6:13 p.m.
Too bad I can only upvote your comments once... I´ll definitely let the kids know what the MTG community stands for!
August 28, 2020 1:55 a.m.
Any advice on my Training Wheels Mono White lifegain is appreciated.
August 28, 2020 6:41 p.m.
Advice is appreciated: Training Wheels Izzet Spellslinger
August 28, 2020 8:13 p.m.
libraryjoy says... #31
So I went a little off-script for this one. I am primarily a Selesnya player and I don't like the Convoke mechanic. So instead I went for a Selesnya Enchantments build:
August 28, 2020 11:50 p.m.
libraryjoy says... #32
So since the Simic counters build didn't work, here's a Simic elementals build:
August 29, 2020 12:23 a.m.
This ones needs special care, I´m afraid Training Wheels Selesnya Proliferate.
August 29, 2020 11:58 a.m.
May I interpret your upvotes as "Good to go!" DeinoStinkus? Thx!
August 29, 2020 12:11 p.m.
So far I have 6 finished decks and three that I am putting together right now. Almost half-way through!
If you still feel like contributing, this is what I have to get done:
Orzhov, Mono-red, Dimir, Golgari, Boros (I will do this one next myself. I see Heroic Reinforcements incoming) and Rakdos.
I am thinking of also putting together colorless historic jank and gates, possibly. But those are bonus decks. If I can get the 15 done, I feel well prepared.
I thank you very much for help thus far!
August 29, 2020 1:37 p.m.
I will call it a day now. 6+ hours of MTG are enough for today. Don´t mistake me for rude if I no longer react to your great posts. If I log in tomorrow and see more of your lists you will make my day!
I will put together all the deck lists in a post as soon as I have finshed the remaining ones. You guys are awesome!
August 29, 2020 2:20 p.m.
libraryjoy says... #38
Looks like you've got a good start. I don't play black, so I can't help with any of those builds. If you've got Boros covered, then I'll probably sign off from building for now. Honestly, I've been deck building all day - the other kind, in the back yard - and I'm pretty wiped. I hope the kids have a blast, and give us an update after a class or 2 to let us know how it goes!
August 29, 2020 4:45 p.m.
All the decks have been put together now and I feel quite relieved. I am looking forward to the first encounter with the kids. I will definitely let you know how it all went after the first couple of weeks. I have my own sort of syllabus for this year and I´m really curious what we might end up doing closer to end of it. I´ll post deck lists and my experience in another thread if I find a place where it fits (or I´ll do it here, we´ll see). I want to say special thanks to DeinoStinkus, libraryjoy, TriusMalarky and Caerwyn for contributing, and everyone else in this thread.
Pikobyte says... #2
No clue about 40 card decks, but what about the decks from planechase or rivals of ixalan? They’re 60 cards without a sideboard but nicely themed with different mechanics and pretty fun to play. Would be 12 decks in total.
August 26, 2020 9:06 a.m.