Tell me this deck ISNT perfect
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 6, 2011, 4:06 a.m. by DeleD
I wouldn't say its typical sligh. Sligh is based on a distribution curve that has a drop every turn to maintain tempo. Your 2 drop and 4 drop are too light, and one is a bit heavy. Good deck, but the curve should be more normalized to make it actually sligh
October 6, 2011 10:53 a.m.
@squirel1 yeah i know it doesnt follow the exact rubric but i thought the point was just to be able to get max value out of your mana each turn. with as many 1 drops as i have i figure i can just play 2 of them if i dont get the 2 drop im looking for. also, with sensation gorger, after i get him out, the curve doesnt matter cuz i should be able to drop everything i have and then just re-draw next turn, right?
October 7, 2011 2:39 a.m.
It's neither Zoo nor Control.
Therefore, given the previous information, it will lose in Legacy.
Not trollin'. Just telling the truth.
October 7, 2011 3 a.m.
@zandl i hope not, i havent played yet. but really its not supposed to be either. its a super fast burn deck. also, is there anyway to play people online besides mtgo? id like to find out if my creation is as good as i think it can be
October 7, 2011 3:05 a.m.
Not that I'm aware of, unless you don't mind "playing" through playtester programs, not unlike TO's.
Or just look at some top decks from big tournaments, proxy them up, and grab a friend who knows a thing or two about Legacy decks to play against.
October 7, 2011 3:08 a.m.
In competitive Legacy control would just lay down a Chalice of the Void and chuckle. Bear in mind I haven't checked up on competitive Legacy for a while but I think it's still used.
DeleD says... #2
Typical Sligh deck. Fetch lands to thin. Amazing haster's. Lackeys to get all my goblins out. a Gorger to keep my speed at max and obviously a shit ton of burns. so perfect for a sligh/ goblin burn concept. Tell me this isnt perfect and how it could be impoved...PLEASE! betcha cant
October 6, 2011 4:11 a.m.