terminus / verdict sideboard help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 9, 2012, 5:53 p.m. by xzavierx

So I've been playing a white / green agro deck with a splash of midrange. I've been very successful in competitive FNM format consistently making top 8 of 40+ beating most deck formats but only issues Ive really had since win condition is so quick has been turn 4-5 supreme verdict or terminus.

Deck build:4- champion of the parish4- avacyn's pilgrim4-knight of glory3- Thalia , Guardian of Thraben4- mayor of averbruck4- silverblade paladin4- somberwald sage4-wolfir silverheart2- craterhoof behemoth1-avacyn angel of hope 1-angel of glory's rise

spells:2 selesnya charm.2 rancor

Current sideboard to fight most common issues:3- rootborn defense2-ranger guile2-fiend hunter2- riders of gavony2 Oblivion rings2- vorapede2- elderscale wurms

Epochalyptik says... #2

Moved to Deck Help.

Use the deck:add to make this readable.

December 9, 2012 6:11 p.m.

Slycne says... #3

Well G/W is always going to be weak to sweepers, those colors just don't have reach. Humans especially works best when it spits the whole hand out, which obviously puts you at high risk, but there are some things you can do to be better against them.

There are two issues that are making your deck especially vulnerable: trying to be psuedo midrange and only running 21 lands(unless your playing over 60 or I miscounted). So much of your ramp is wrapped up in creatures that anything that interferes with, or if you don't simply draw, card:Avacyn's Pilgrim and Somberwald Sage will effectively blank those 5 CMC and higher creatures. Without those mana rampers you have only a 5% chance of making your 8th land drop on turn 8 for Craterhoof Behemoth and Avacyn, Angel of Hope . Which makes it that much harder to recover after a sweep.

I'd recommend pushing the deck one way or the other. Either make it hyper aggressive and cut everything above 5CMC, reduce the number of Wolfir Silverheart , try to find some better curve toppers like Sublime Archangel and max out Rancor . Otherwise push it full midrange and run Arbor Elf , Farseek , Loxodon Smiter and other cards like Garruk.

One underrated card that's available to both builds that can really help in the control match up is Wolfir Avenger . Flashing in on their end stuff gives them less responses and regenerate ensures that it stays on the board.

December 9, 2012 9:10 p.m.

xzavierx says... #4

hmm hadn't considered Wolfir Avenger that really helps thanks!, that really helps thanks!

December 9, 2012 9:28 p.m.

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