Teysa aristocrat build

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 4, 2019, 12:42 a.m. by Monomanamaniac

So I'm trying to put together a kind of budget version of teysa karlov aristocrats and I've gotten kind of stuck. Currently trying to thin the deck down, but also looking for more budget options to add in as well. The deck I've put together has been a blast so far.

In the future I'm slowly going to acquire the non-budget options, but in the mean time I'm looking for good cards that cost 5$ or less, and cards that I'm currently using that aren't that good. I do know Anointed Procession , Exquisite Blood , low cost tutors, expensive lands, Yosei, the Morning Star , Kokusho, the Evening Star , Grave Pact , Dictate of Erebos , and Elenda, the Dusk Rose exist; but I don't have the cash for them currently. Keep an eye on this deck though, improvements are coming!

The deck focuses on synergies with teysa karlov's ability to double death triggers. It likes to gain life, and punish opponents with non-combat damage. Ultimately it also likes to be a token deck, the tokens themselves gaining vigilance and lifelink thanks to teysa. Teysa karlov aristocrats, God of death

multimedia says... #2

Hey, I play a $200 budget casual version of Teysa aristocrats, Lady of Death (Budget).

I play a few cards that are $5 or over especially Skullclamp . The main combo I play doesn't care about combat instead has interaction with sac outlets and can use creatures in my graveyard: Reveillark + Karmic Guide + sac outlet ( Viscera Seer ). When an aristocrat ( Zulaport Cutthroat ) is added to this combo it becomes a win condition doing infinite damage to all my opponents.

Lark is great because it can reanimate three parts of this combo: Guide, Seer and Cutthroat as well as Teysa (she has 2 power). Lark has interaction with Teysa; if Lark leaves the battlefield as a result of it dying then it triggers Teysa getting to then reanimate four potential creatures. With Teysa on the battlefield before Lark dies you can reanimate all the creatures for this combo at one time. You don't technically need all the creatures as part of this combo in your graveyard, but it speeds up the process when you can get them all into your graveyard to be reanimated.

Lark + Guide is flexible because you don't have to have Teysa on the battlefield to combo. You can instead reanimate two creatures each time, each iteration of Lark dying. Each iteration have to reanimate Guide which leaves one other creature to reanimate. Start with reanimating a sac outlet ( Carrion Feeder ). Then the next iteration of the combo reanimate an aristocrat ( Cruel Celebrant ) to complete the combo.

Lark + Guide can also be good with a token theme because there's many creatures who create a token who Lark can reanimate. Can instead of adding an aristocrat, add a token creator ( Doomed Traveler ) to make infinite Spirit tokens or Pawn of Ulamog to make infinite Eldrazi tokens. The token creator has to have 2 or less power so Lark can reanimate it. Afterlife creatures ( Tithe Taker ) you want them to die to give you token value and most of them can be reanimated with Lark. Lark + Guide + sac outlet ( Cartel Aristocrat ) gives you infinite reanimation of all creatures with 2 or less power from your graveyard.

August 4, 2019 4:50 a.m.

Monomanamaniac says... #3

I actually have a karmic guide, so I'd just need a reveillark. I've already got plenty of creatures that could provide the damage part, including the cutthroat. Any suggestions on what I could take out for them?

August 4, 2019 2:52 p.m.

Monomanamaniac says... #4

Oh and carrion feeder is amazing too honestly! 1 mana free sac outlets are not common, especially ones like that.

August 4, 2019 3:07 p.m.

SP3CTR3_chelts says... #5

Temple Bell , Phyrexian Processor i dont think are needed in the deck, karmic guide and Reveillark would go in nicely here

Elixir of Immortality is probably not needed, i would take out some land as 42 does seem very high! i would use these slots for removal, black white has excellent single point removal and board wipes use them

August 5, 2019 10:29 a.m.

edengstrom1 says... #6

I agree with SP3CTR3_chelts I think you can go down to 36-37 lands pretty easily. I would also look at getting a few dual lands as well. Some fairly budget ones are Tainted Field , Scoured Barrens , Temple of Silence , Concealed Courtyard , Caves of Koilos and Shambling Vent . They will help make sure you have the colors you need and let you get away with having less land. I know buying lands is not always the most fun way to spend your money, but it's almost always worth it.

I noticed you only have 1 board wipe, and would suggest a couple more. I really like Fumigate and Phyrexian Rebirth since they either gain you life or leave you with a big creature token. Also, Swords to Plowshares is only a couple bucks and the best creature removal you can get for commander.

August 5, 2019 11:10 a.m.

Monomanamaniac says... #7

SP3CTR3_chelts temple bell is actually really amazing, and combined with smothering tithe is even more so. Phyrexian processor, on the other hand, is a surprise synergy and serves as a win condition. Just think of it as an 8 cost 20/20 or higher that has lifelink and vigilance. With teysa Any amount of life spent is netted back to you when it attacks or blocks, then if it stays out it starts churning out big bois.

edengstrom1 the land count is high while I play test the deck so I don't get mana screwed, I do plan on running 36 lands and eventually I do plan on sinking 20-50$ into the lands, I just want the rest of the deck up to par. I have had the most trouble coming up with board wipes, they're just not a fun type of card for me and I always seem to draw them at the wrong time. I mostly just run spot removal for specific threats and let butcher of malakir or martyrs bond act as pseudo wipes when needed. Eventually I'll Own Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos and it won't be so noticeable

August 5, 2019 1:22 p.m.

SP3CTR3_chelts says... #8

I understand temple bell can work well with smothering tithe but most of the time you will not have both and generally everyone draw 1 cards are not good unless your entire strategy is built around them. An enchantment like Underworld Connections would suit this deck much better if you needed the draw. To clarify im not saying Phyrexian Processor is a bad card i just think it is too much of an investment for what it makes, adding a combo or even a different bomb i think would be better, Aetherflux Reservoir i think would be a better outlet for your life (but would add a combo finisher first).

removal you might consider:



Anguished Unmaking

Path to Exile

Swords to Plowshares

a couple of less good situational removal

Seize the Soul = Value

Gideon's Intervention = stop decks that require thier commander

board wipes to consider:

Magister of Worth

Kaya's Wrath

Cleansing Nova

Merciless Eviction = be careful what of yours get exiled

and the two edengstrom1 suggested I would recommend running a couple even if a lot of the time they sit in your hand too long before they become necessary, some board states you just cant come back from.

August 6, 2019 4:09 a.m.

Monomanamaniac says... #9

So I've gone back and added some things, took out some things, and improved the deck overall. Still need suggestions for removals, or more additions

August 8, 2019 9:54 p.m.

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