Thassa vs ?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 26, 2013, 4:57 p.m. by capriom85

Deck:farenheit-451 is the deck I currently run for Theros block standard. I am using Thassa, God of the Sea as a 1 of in the mainboard, but I feel that she is somewhat lackluster because the only thing she is good for is the scry 1 each upkeep. I just don't have the devotion element present, and it just isn't likely that she will ever become a creature. Plus, the "make a creature unblockable" in not relevant because my only creatures are AEtherling . So I am thinking of pulling the Sea God(ess) from the team and replacing her with....

This is where you come in. What would work best here? I am not looking to add another PW, so Jace and Elspeth are the only things I am not accepting as viable options. I like them both at 2. What do you all think about throwing in a Stormbreath Dragon the same spirit that the old RWU Flash used to use Thundermaw Hellkite ? Any suggestions welcome....thanks!

Slycne says... #2

Between 2 AEtherling , 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion and 1 Assemble the Legion . I don't think you need another random win condition.

Maybe something tricky like Quicken if you want to be fancy about it. Certainly cards like Divination , a 3rd Azorius Charm , 3rd Detention Sphere or a Warleader's Helix could fill the spot as well. There could even be the argument made for the 26th land.

October 26, 2013 5:06 p.m.

capriom85 says... #3

Slycne, I used to run the 26th land, but I never had a problem, and sometimes got flooded. I also like to think of my win cons as well thought out, not "random", but I see why you said what you did. I feel like game 2-3 Slaughter Games can wreck me, though. Between my current Spheres and Chained I think I;m ok on enchantment based removal. Maybe a Helix...but I guess testing should happen first.

October 26, 2013 5:10 p.m.

capriom85 says... #4

Farenheit 451 There's a link!

October 26, 2013 5:11 p.m.

Slycne says... #5

Yeah, I meant random is so much as it just being another win condition, and not one that was attacking from another angle all that much. Not that that arrangement was random.

The Quicken I can actually get behind on some level. I've been running it as a 1 of in my UW list, and it's nice to just have access to one card that can do something your deck can't normally do otherwise. Not a lot of folks playing around instant speed Supreme Verdict for instance.

October 26, 2013 5:16 p.m.

maxon says... #6

i'm running a versin of mono-blue with 4 thassas and the scry every turn is amaze-balls, but if you're only running 1 it's probly not reliable enough to really be something worth depending on. but even just as a 3 drop scry before each draw enchantment, it's dope

October 26, 2013 6:21 p.m.

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