The choices
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 3, 2012, 1:43 a.m. by Zesty
I'm planning on bringing my Naya aggro deck to FNM tomorrow, and I've had some strong suggestions from a couple of the people at my local shop to throw birthing pods. So i want to see some more opinions.
I own 2 birthing pods no more no less. my deck is Humanity's Revenge.
now the main problem i see with making this deck is that I do not have any strangleroot geists which seem like a key player in such a deck (and i most likely will not be able to pick any up by tomorrow as the shop has none), Another problem is that the only 6 drop that i own that's worth poding to is a lone inferno titan. I have no elesh norn, nor would i like to shell out 15 bucks for a card that's only going to be around for 3 months, as is the problem i have with picking up most scars cards.
I guess what im trying to ask is: would it be better to bring a pod deck lacking some of the seemingly key components, or just stick with the aggro version?