The creation of my Land Destruction deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 18, 2012, 8:32 a.m. by magicite
So, I'm trying to build a deck around this mechanism. The problem is, bot the deck example that I'm finding in internet and the mechanism is hard, for me, to understund.I've understand that this kind of deck should be able to destroy any (or most) land that my opponent play, shouting down is play. The problem is... that it don't work. At least my deck.I'm trying it against the pyromancer ascension, affinity and modern jund, and I'm facing a couple of stupid problem -card cost for starting, and I simply can't lock the game-
Here is my decklist, soon I'll describe my playtest with my note. (advice on what to add would be wounderfull)
everyonesproblm says... #4
I forgot how do you link decks again? I dont think its the same as linking a card.
May 19, 2012 4:24 a.m.
to link a card you take the last part of the link example:
the whole link is" "
i take out the bw-morbid-experiment
then i place it in double brackets [bw-morbid-experiment]
but double brackets would result in BW morbid experiment
people also tend to forget to put the number like
[[bw-morbid-experiment-22] for example
May 19, 2012 4:41 a.m.
First playtest, vs Pyromancer ascension storm:My hand: Sphere of the Suns ,Sphere of the Suns ,Ghost Quarter ,Birds of Paradise ,Ghost Quarter ,Copperline Gorge ,Shivan Wumpus A lot of mana, very little land removal, but I'm considering this hand as god hand, and so I keep.Pyromancer hand: Manamorphose ,Manamorphose ,Scalding Tarn ,Sulfur Falls ,Island ,Desperate Ritual and another Sulfur Falls Ok, first of all, I'm not so pratical about this deck (i use more jund and affinity) I'm using this as an exercice for practice. So I don't know if this is a good opening hand. It look fine to me, as I'll be waitnig for the Pyromancer Ascension while perfectioning my hand. I keep even that.
I start whit the Pyromancer and drop an Island , then pass.Whit the LD I draw Bramblecrush , then drop an unttapped Copperline Gorge (first land) and tap it for the birds. Pass to the pyromancer.With PAS I draw... Pyromancer Ascension . I drop Sulfur Falls , Desperate Ritual , than a Manamorphose , draw another and cast Pyromancer Ascension .With the LD I draw Roiling Terrain , I play a Ghost Quarter and tap my land for a Sphere of the Suns .Than I tap it and the bird and play another one.As PAS I draw Steam Vents and I play it (tapped), then I play a Manamorphose . I gain a counter on the ascension, found a Serum Visions , and play it.For seer Luck I find another Serum Visions . In any case, my Pyromancer Ascension is about to turn itself on. The first two card of the deck are Pyretic Ritual and Faithless Looting .I put them back in their order as it mater not (I'm about to play another serum). The first two card now are Pyretic Ritual .I pass.As LD I draw a Mountain , I play a Ghost Quarter and a Bramblecrush on Pyromancer Ascension . For mana I tap The bird, the double land a quarter and the sfere with 3 charge.Then I break one quarter and one special land of the PAS (excanged for a mountain). I pass.As Pas I draw Gitaxian Probe (the quarter shuffled the deck). I play a Sulfur Falls , and Faithless Looting , drawing Gitaxian Probe , Steam Vents . I discart Scalding Tarn and Steam Vents .I flashback Faithless Looting , drawing Grapeshot and Desolate Lighthouse . I choose to discart a Desolate Lighthouse and a Gitaxian Probe . Than I pass.As LD I draw A Shivan Wumpus , and I choose to play it (after have played a mountain). So let speak about this creature a little.
May 19, 2012 2:17 p.m.
It's the best Browbeat yet. As, if my opponent choose to let it pass, I have a 6/6 trampler for 3R. Or else, is clause of putting it back on top of deck is even better, as you keep casting it forever-changing de facto the math of our deck.Until I have this 6/6 trampler, because my opponent can't sacrifice land anymore. The problem are the first 3 turn where you are ramping to 4, in order to play that card. What apen before that?In any case, I have just win.As PAS I sacrifice a island, and as LD I pass.I draw Misty Rainforest , I play it and use to search an island. Then I choose to pass.I replay a Shivan Wumpus , and as PAS sacrifice another island. With LD I pass.I draw Faithless Looting and play it. I discard Scalding Tarn and a Gitaxian Probe , than I pass.I replay a Shivan Wumpus , but this time I choose to let it pass. (I shouldn't know that my opponent have two into his hand). As LD I pass.With Pas I draw Seething Song , and pass.With LD Roiling Terrain , but I play another Shivan Wumpus . And here troumble as PAS, I can't sacrifice a land, as I need it. And I can't let it pass as two 6/6 are too. I have just lose.
My opinion: I win, but mostly because my deck have a lot of removal to noncreature card. If not, I would have just lose.
May 19, 2012 2:18 p.m.
Second playtest, vs Affinity:My hand: Sphere of the Suns ,Birds of Paradise ,Ghost Quarter ,Birds of Paradise ,Ghost Quarter ,Forest ,Lightning Bolt A lot of mana, But no Land destruction spell. I choose to muligan.New hand: Sphere of the Suns ,Birds of Paradise ,Lightning Bolt ,Mountain ,Acidic Slime ,Molten Rain I choose to keep this.Affinity hand: Mox Opal ,Mox Opal ,Vault Skirge ,Glimmervoid ,Blinkmoth Nexus ,Ornithopter and Dispatch I don't like this hand. For Affinity I preffer quantity of creature more than mana, and the fact that I haven't even the Tempered Steel on that hand, make me want to mulligan even for the affinity.New hand is:Ornithopter ,Steel Overseer ,Memnite ,Memnite ,Frogmite ,Ornithopter I Like and decide to keep this hand.
I start whit the Affinity and drop everything beside Steel Overseer , then pass.Whit the LD I draw Bramblecrush , then drop a Mountain . Pass to the affinity.With Aff I draw Signal Pest . I attack and deal 4 damage, than pass.With the LD I draw Shivan Wumpus , then I pass.Aff draw Blinkmoth Nexus , play it and Signal Pest . I kill it with the Lightning Bolt and take 4 damage for the attack.with the LD I draw Mwonvuli Acid-Moss , and I choose to surrender.
Affinity is to fast, and it cards have casting cost that is to low. It's true that the after mullingan hand was a god hand one, but still...
May 19, 2012 2:58 p.m.
try posting that as you're updates or description for ur ld deck itl be easier for other people to know your problems and try "deckcycling" it all da time so it goes front page
May 19, 2012 11:37 p.m.
@Vman: probably yes, but it wouldn't up my topic in the forum.
In any case: after some more playtest against jund and affinity, my oppinion is that my deck is "to slow", it can't destroy enough land. I keep winning the pyromancer ascension storm deck due to the fact that I had removal to enchantment, but if I was aware of the esistance of the past in flame variation of the modern storm deck, I would probably have lose due to my incomplete lock to the land.
So, I'm back to progectation of the deck.
Vman says... #2
Land destruction linked for convenience..
May 18, 2012 8:42 a.m.