the next big deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 28, 2012, 9:19 p.m. by thedude115

hi i am trying to make a big impact on standard with the new return to ravnica set coming out soon i want you to help me make the best deck i can things that i am looking for is too keep this deck under a budget so a new player can play this but needs to be good enough so you can bring it to a fnm or even with a little tweaking bring to to the star city games open or gp new rule is that you need to make it b/g this is for the gilgari guild i have picked out some cards you are only able t used these card that will be listed below and the cards that have been confirmed by the time return to ravnica comes out we should have the skeleton list so you can make it your own thing my idea for this deck is to make it so you send something to the gave make a strong creature then send that to the grave to make some tokens then send the tokens to the grave to make a fatty that will swing for a game won the cards you may use are bellow and use any card that are confirmed

SplinterfrightRanger's GuileParallel LivesGutter GrimeGnaw to the BoneGarruk RelentlessCaravan VigilBoneyard WurmAmbush ViperTribute to HungerTyphoid RatsHeartless SummoningGruesome DeformityDisciple of GriselbrandBump in the NightAltar's ReapBlack CatDeadly AllureGravepurgeMikaeus, the UnhallowedUndying EvilSpiteful ShadowsTragic SlipBriarpack AlphaDawntreader ElkFavor of the WoodsFeed the PackGhoultreeGravetiller WurmGrim FloweringHunger of the HowlpackPredator OozeMoonscarred WerewolfSomberwald DryadStrangleroot GeistTracker's InstinctsVorapedeWild HungerWolfbitten Captive / Krallenhorde KillerYoung WolfWoodland CemeteryHuman FrailtyPredator's GambitTreacherous Pit-DwellerTriumph of CrueltyBlood ArtistBone SplintersCorpse TradersEssence Harvest Exquisite BloodAbundant GrowthBorderland RangerCraterhoof BehemothDescendants' PathDruids' Repository Eaten by SpidersJoint AssaultNatural EndPathbreaker WurmRevenge of the HuntedSheltering WordSnare the SkiesSomberwald SageSoul of the HarvestTerrifying PresenceTriumph of FerocityVorstclawWolfir AvengerWolfir SilverheartBlood ReckoningCrippling BlightDark FavorDiabolic RevelationLiliana of the Dark RealmsMark of the VampireMind RotMurderMutilateRavenous RatsRise from the Grave Shimian SpecterVampire NighthawkWit's EndArbor ElfBond BeetleBoundless RealmsBountiful HarvestDuskdale WurmElderscale WurmElvish ArchdruidElvish VisionaryFarseekFogGarruk, Primal HunterPlummetPredatory RampagePrimordial HydraQuirion DryadRancorRanger's PathSerpent's GiftSilklash SpiderSpiked BalothThragtuskTimberpack WolfTitanic GrowthYeva, Nature's Herald

This is incredibly hard to read as-is. I would recommend using the site's built-in deck builder and posting these as a deck so that they are more visible and organized.

August 28, 2012 9:26 p.m.

RedFox134 says... #3

I agree with landgrafb. This is very hard to read. You have no periods making it difficult to find where a sentence begins and where one ends. If you at least made complete sentences that would help out a lot. As for all of the cards you listed if you made them into a deck list or put bracket's around them it would make it much easier to figure exactly what each card does, but alas I accept your challenge and raise you a post with proper grammar and a proper card list! In two part though due to a 3000 character limit to comments. :P

"Hi I am trying to make a big impact on standard with the new Return to Ravnica set coming out soon. I want you to help me make the best deck I can. The things that I am looking for are too keep this deck under a budget, so a new player can play this, but needs to be good enough so you can bring it to a FNM, or even with a little tweaking bring it to the star city games open, or gp. The new rule is that you need to make it b/g this is for the gilgari guild. I have picked out some cards. You are only able to use the card that will be listed below and the cards that have been confirmed by the time Return to Ravnica comes out. We should have the skeleton list so you can make it your own thing. My idea for this deck is to make it so you send something to the grave, make a strong creature, then send that to the grave to make some tokens, then send the tokens to the grave to make a fatty that will swing for a game won. The cards you may use are below and also use any card that are confirmed.

August 28, 2012 10:06 p.m.

RedFox134 says... #4

Splinterfright card:Ranger's GuileParallel Lives Gutter Grime Gnaw to the Bone Garruk Relentless  Flip Caravan Vigil Boneyard Wurm Ambush Viper Tribute to Hunger Typhoid Rats Heartless Summoning Gruesome Deformity Disciple of Griselbrand Bump in the Night card:Altar's ReapBlack Cat Deadly Allure Gravepurge Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Undying Evil Spiteful Shadows Tragic Slip Briarpack Alpha Dawntreader Elk Favor of the Woods Feed the Pack Ghoultree Gravetiller Wurm Grim Flowering Hunger of the Howlpack Predator Ooze Moonscarred Werewolf  Flip  FlipSomberwald Dryad Strangleroot Geist card:Tracker's InstinctsVorapede Wild Hunger Wolfbitten Captive  Flip Krallenhorde Killer  Flip  FlipYoung Wolf Woodland Cemetery Human Frailty card:Predator's GambitTreacherous Pit-Dweller Triumph of Cruelty Blood Artist Bone Splinters Corpse Traders Essence Harvest Exquisite Blood Abundant Growth Borderland Ranger Craterhoof Behemoth card:Descendants' Pathcard:Druids' RepositoryEaten by Spiders Joint Assault Natural End Pathbreaker Wurm Revenge of the Hunted Sheltering Word Snare the Skies Somberwald Sage Soul of the Harvest Terrifying Presence Triumph of Ferocity Vorstclaw Wolfir Avenger Wolfir Silverheart Blood Reckoning Crippling Blight Dark Favor Diabolic Revelation Liliana of the Dark Realms Mark of the Vampire Mind Rot Murder Mutilate Ravenous Rats Rise from the Grave Shimian Specter Vampire Nighthawk card:Wit's EndArbor Elf Bond Beetle Boundless Realms Bountiful Harvest Duskdale Wurm Elderscale Wurm Elvish Archdruid Elvish Visionary Farseek Fog Garruk, Primal Hunter Plummet Predatory Rampage Primordial Hydra Quirion Dryad Rancor card:Ranger's Pathcard:Serpent's GiftSilklash Spider Spiked Baloth Thragtusk Timberpack Wolf Titanic Growth card:Yeva, Nature's Herald

Your welcome, but next time preview your post and and proof read it to make sure it's the best that it can be! :D
August 28, 2012 10:11 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #5

You can't preview posts, just comments.

August 28, 2012 10:13 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #6

You can however PROOFREAD posts before posting. :P

August 28, 2012 10:14 p.m.

RedFox134 says... #7

Ah, that explains some of that then. I've never posted as the starting post, so I didn't know that, but proof reading is always nice! :P haha

August 28, 2012 10:29 p.m.

thedude115 says... #8

sorry this is my first ever post i didn't know if you could make a card viewable on a post and i forget to add comas and periods i have dyslexia :P

August 29, 2012 9:44 a.m.

RedFox134 says... #9

Ah that explains it. I'm working on a deck that has some of the cards that you mentioned.'re doing it wrong!. It's also similar to your idea of sending creatures to the graveyard to pump up others and get a bunch of tokens out based off of sending creatures to the graveyard.

August 29, 2012 2:49 p.m.

thedude115 says... #10

thanks man now i can use your decklist as a skeleton to make my deck thanks man _ your awesome

August 29, 2012 8:46 p.m.

RedFox134 says... #11

Yep, no problem! Always glad to help a fellow summoner!

August 29, 2012 9:37 p.m.

thedude115 says... #12

thanks i think i have the basic deck that will be going threw changes in the up coming months :D avenge me brother DX

August 30, 2012 12:04 a.m.

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