Theros Bant Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 2, 2013, 5:17 a.m. by Kharashi
I'm making my first non-control deck here, so I'd appreciate some feedback and suggestions.
Basically, Prophet of Kruphix caught my eye. I'm aware that she can die relatively easy to many forms of removal, but I think she can really bring a game under control if she manages to stay. I used to run an American control deck, but my more casual friends got tired of playing against it, so I'm moving towards a more creature based, tempo-y deck that I hope can also be strong enough to do well at FNM. My friends don't run much removal, so that's why I have 3 prophets and plan to keep it that way. Other than that, though, I'd really like to try and shape this up to be competitive. I want to be able to play creatures all the time, even on my opponent's turns, and so I went for a bunch of card draw and a balanced mana curve. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!