Theros Bant Help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 2, 2013, 5:17 a.m. by Kharashi

I'm making my first non-control deck here, so I'd appreciate some feedback and suggestions.

Theros Bant 2

Basically, Prophet of Kruphix caught my eye. I'm aware that she can die relatively easy to many forms of removal, but I think she can really bring a game under control if she manages to stay. I used to run an American control deck, but my more casual friends got tired of playing against it, so I'm moving towards a more creature based, tempo-y deck that I hope can also be strong enough to do well at FNM. My friends don't run much removal, so that's why I have 3 prophets and plan to keep it that way. Other than that, though, I'd really like to try and shape this up to be competitive. I want to be able to play creatures all the time, even on my opponent's turns, and so I went for a bunch of card draw and a balanced mana curve. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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