This deck is really bad but I don't know how to fix it without breaking the bank.
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 28, 2022, 2:58 p.m. by trueblue102231
Here i think this is better bad deck
wallisface says... #3
Yeah as said above, post a deck link up so we have something readable to work with, the text-wall is pretty impossible to review.
From loosely trying to decipher what’s here 3 things stick out:
too many cards run as 1-ofs. As mentioned above, most cards in a deck should probably be playsets to have any kind of consistency and deck cohesion.
it’s really hard to tell, but my gut tells me you’re running too few lands, and/or are running too high a mana curve.
there’re some obvious cards here that are bad and should be replaced. Plummet has no place in any deck ever, and there appears to be a bunch of cards that you just don’t have support for - like running Amulet of Vigor with mostly basic lands.
But, get a link to the list posted up and that will let people actually be able to read it, and give you more in-depth advice.
July 28, 2022 4:17 p.m.
Found from looking at their profit:
my bad red green deck
For starters, what format are you intending to play? It very clearly is not Standard, though that is what you have it listed as, but is this for kitchen table? Modern? Something else?
Just doing a cursory look, you have a lot of one-drops, meaning a low overall power and likely struggles in the later game. Combined with the lack of consistency due to how many single copies of a card you are running (noted by wallisface above) and those are likely the two most significant challenges to your deck.
Your deck’s mana costs should look more like a bell curve, peaking not at the one-mana mark, but somewhere above that. Where you peak will depend on the specific type of deck you are running and the format you are playing.
July 28, 2022 4:48 p.m.
trueblue102231 says... #5
It is being played in legacy and how do I post it as a link? is it just [[]]?
July 28, 2022 5:14 p.m.
Great advice here. Like the others have said, getting down to 60 cards and deciding on a gameplan should probably be priority number one. Cutting cards like Graypelt Hunter, Amulet of Vigor and Apocalypse gets you down to 60 and helps to remove un-synergistic cards from the deck at the same time.
Legacy (from what I can tell, I don't actually play that format) is known for being VERY high powered and it won't be possible to play competitively on a budget... but if you don't want to play super competitively, that's totally cool! One of the coolest aspects of Legacy is that you get you use basically any card that's ever been printed. Because of the immense card pool, you could make literally any kind of deck. Ape tribal? Sure! Old-school borders only? Yep! Some weird combo deck with some random card from Legends? Totally could! Once you figure out your main gameplan, it will become much easier to streamline and upgrade your deck. While "netdecking" is a bit of a sore subject for most people, doing a quick Google search, or a search here on Tappedout, for decks could provide you with some inspiration or a good starting place for deck building themes/ideas.
As for some basic recommendations, I think a full playset of four Lightning Bolt is a pretty good idea for starters, as basically any red deck can benefit from them. I think I saw that your deck already had two of them, so another two copies should only be about $2-3 total. On the green side, Llanowar Elves is a card that any green deck can get use out of. A full playset of four Elves should only run you about $1-2. Land bases can be one of the most expensive parts of the game but there are some great budget options these days such as Cinder Glade and Temple of Abandon, thanks to their many reprints. A set of four Cinder Glades should probably be around $2-3 total and a set of four Temples should be about $1-2 (though you may want to run less than four depending on how aggressive your gameplan is).
July 28, 2022 6:19 p.m.
Honestly, the single biggest fix you can make is to stop playing legacy. Legacy is an extremely brutal format dominated by high-powered, low-cost cards that tend to fetch a pretty penny. It is a format where over half the decks contain Force of Will, simply because a single spell can make the difference between a win and loss.
It also is a format where the deck’s pilot can really make a difference and, respectfully, it seems like you are a relatively new player and likely are not quite ready for legacy.
July 28, 2022 6:36 p.m.
trueblue102231 says... #9
I see what you are saying, however, I play legacy because of the fact that you can do any card and most of my cards are older. Also the people I play with play legacy as well
Thank you to everyone for the help by the way.
July 28, 2022 7:45 p.m.
wallisface says... #10
Having a look at the decklist, these are all my thoughts (some will be repeats of stuff said previously):
always aim to get a deck down to 60 cards, anything over this is a concession.
i can only speak from a Modern perspective, but I know there you can only usually justify playing 3-4 4-mana cards, and nothing above this. You’ve got a whopping 9 cards costing 4-or-more, which feels too much unless you’re able to reliably ramp (something your deck seems too inconsistent with atm).
too many cards run as 1-ofs mean your deck has no consistency or clear gameplan. Most of your dexk should be playsets of the cards that matter
22 lands feels too low if you’re planning on this being a ramp deck, and probably too low if you’re running any number of 4-mana cards regardless.
too many cards that do next-to-nothing on their own, or are super situational. Cards either need to provide guaranteed value by themselves, or have a lot of support from the rest of the deck to ensure they’ll be useful.
I think at the moment your decks biggest issue is it lacks any coherent direction… i can’t really offer card suggestions because it’s not clear what you want this deck to be doing. So, what is the gameplan you’re wanting from the deck? What cards is the deck “built around”?
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #2
Entering it into the deck editor and providing a link to the resolving deck page would be a good start ;)
Apart from that, you hardly have more than one or two copies of each card, which makes it basically impossible to have any sort of strategy. Try to play three or four of each of your important cards, and limit the deck to 60 cards.
July 28, 2022 3:11 p.m.