Deck Help forum
Posted on April 9, 2013, 9:52 p.m. by Hydrabeast
I recently got 4 Thragtusk and i threw them into a deck tht decently uses them but not to full potential. I want a deck that uses it better. in standard... Maybe Undying Evil maybe Cloudshift maybe a mixture of both???? what do you guys think?
Hydrabeast says... #3
Yes, indeed that is amazing and then i guess we throw in Rhox Faithmender and trostani but thats a little too much main stream for me. But naturally it will find its way in the deck
April 9, 2013 10:12 p.m.
Lifegain deck's are not mainstream, they did pop up for a bit, you'd likely be blamed for being mainstream just by having Thragtusk s in your deck.
April 9, 2013 10:25 p.m.
Thragtusk is an amazing card. I wouldn't avoid using them just because a lot of people do. I say any way that you can abuse the Thragtusk is a win-win situation. Try them both and see what happens. I like the Restoration Angel simply because you are left with an extra 3/4 body on the battlefield after blinking the tusk.
April 9, 2013 10:29 p.m.
Hydrabeast says... #6
I dont know what if you guys follow Frank Lepore (AMAZING DUDE FYI) he did an article about a Feed the Pack deck it seems pretty decent... Trostani is one of my favorite cards.. Opinions/adjustments
April 9, 2013 10:45 p.m.
Well the best way i see Thragtusk being played is in a White/Green deck, only cause he's really easy to Flick around due to Cloudshift and Restoration Angel ... And that White/Green has a lot of Life-Gain cards if you look at it... Heroes' Reunion i think this card is a lil too good, and you can probably add a Trostani, Selesnya's Voice ... And if you take this in consideration you can always put the Cherry on top with Chalice of Life Flip .
April 9, 2013 11:12 p.m.
Hydrabeast says... #8
OMG i completely forgot about chalice this is absolutely insane...........OMG
April 9, 2013 11:15 p.m.
Lol, i think that a Life-Gain Deck would be one of my favorites cause of that card (Chalice of Life Flip ), but i never had the patience to try it out lol
April 9, 2013 11:20 p.m.
And if you really gonna give it a try don't just make the deck based on only Thragtusk even if he is overpowered lol, add in some little stuff just to take a hit and gain some life, like Cathedral Sanctifier . And that card you said would be useful too (Rhox Faithmender ).
April 9, 2013 11:27 p.m.
detentionsphere says... #11
The best way to play Thragtusk ? In a green deck with Farseek (aka any non-aggro green deck). No, seriously, he is THAT good. Between midrange greend decks you could go for:
Junk Rites (Unburial Rites , Grisly Salvage , Lingering Souls , Angel of Serenity , Craterhoof Behemoth , Avacyn's Pilgrim , Restoration Angel ).
Prime Speaker Bant (Restoration Angel , Loxodon Smiter , Prime Speaker Zegana , Detention Sphere , Sphinx's Revelation ).
Jund Midrange (Huntmaster of the Fells Flip , Olivia Voldaren , Rakdos's Return , Mizzium Mortars )
Any of the above + Farseek is the way to go.
April 10, 2013 3:12 a.m.
Yeaaah. Any non-hardcore-aggro Green deck should really have a playset of Thragtusk . He's simply too good to ignore.
People who tell you that you shouldn't use it because it's too mainstream probably don't play Standard anyways. They're just the hipsters of the Magic world.
Besides - Who gives a rat's ass about mainstream cards/decks? Play what you want to play and play the cards you like. I like Thragtusk (bought a playset online the night of the first M13 pre-release), so I use it. And it has the incidental benefit of being really good.
I used to run Mimic Vat with Thragtusk while it was Standard. If the Tusk found its way onto it, it was nearly impossible for me to lose the game.
If you want something off the beaten path a bit, though, try Deadeye Navigator . It saw some almost-tier-1 play before Gatecrash landed, but had since fallen by the wayside with aggro's then-dominance of the format. Still, though. Untapping your lands with those two Soulbonded means you have 3 blinks, maybe 4, of Thragtusk . And it would be impossible for your opponent to spot-remove either creature..
April 10, 2013 3:25 a.m.
Conjurer's Closet would make a good combo with Thragtusk too.
April 10, 2013 2:56 p.m.
Yes it would. I had a green white bounce deck that it as a 2 of. Also, on the topic of life gain...centaur healer is great. Not only is it a 3/3 for 3 but it gains you life.
e1runyon says... #2
I would reccomend Restoration Angel , You can exile the thragtusk and then it counts as leaving the battlefield so you get your 3/3. And when it comes back you can gain 5 life. :)
April 9, 2013 10:06 p.m.