Three Drop Help in U/W Devotion
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 22, 2014, 5:54 p.m. by Arorsthrar
What's the better three drop to play on turn three: Nightveil Specter or Thassa, God of the Sea ? It probably depends on the matchup/boardstate, so if you could generally describe a board state/matchup that would help me decide which to play that would be great! I end up with both on turn 3, and don't know what to play most of the time. Decklist here for reference, and I am open to any suggestions: Wave Generator
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #3
Unless you need an immediate blocker, I'd probably go with Thassa first. If you have anything else on the board, following up with Nightveil will allow her to attack next turn, plus you'll get to start Scry-ing right away. Against MBD, you especially want to drop Thassa ASAP since their only answer generally is Thoughtseize , unless they're playing Liliana of the Dark Realms or Gild or something weird like that..
Servo_Token says... #2
I like to drop Thassa turn three because she will securely influence my draws from then on. If you play the specter, you have to wait until past your next draw to get any advantage, and that's only if you can land a hit.
I'd say only drop the specter T3 if you plan on making waves the following turn.
February 22, 2014 5:56 p.m.