To all Naya Midrange Users

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 8, 2013, 4:50 p.m. by theman2832

This is to all my fellow Naya midrange players (and really anyone else). I've been playing this meta for a couple months now and I have been using the typical layout of 24 lands, 4 Avacyn's Pilgrims, and 4 farseek. Does anyone who plays this feel that they get manaflooded more often than not? I feel like I get flooded so often. I like having this amount of sources for kessig wolf run to pump the heck out of a creature but besides that I feel like I can play everything I draw by like turn 4/5. Which sucks because I am not a championship top-decker. Does anyone feel that pilgrim's aren't that necessary with this many sources? Sure a turn 2 loxodon smither or boros reckoner is great, but unless you're playing aggro it doesn't seem to make that big of a difference. I do like the farseeks though since it does thin out the deck (even if it is a small percentage). Does anyone agree with me that having bigger creatures replace the pilgrim is a better idea, or am I on a boat all by myself?

capriom85 says... #2

I played Bant Midrange and ended up taking my mana dorks out to run creatures that can beat life totals away too. Test it and see how it goes

June 8, 2013 5:16 p.m.

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