To Voice or Not to Voice?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 21, 2014, 10:39 p.m. by Jairoe03

So I have 4 copies of Voice of Resurgence and currently in my Junk aggro deck, which runs like a combination of Golgari and Selesnya merged together,doesn't run any of them. I was wondering whether or not I should run it in my deck.

Selesnya-Golgari Fusion

Some thoughts included taking out Read the Bones and/or Golgari Charm to squeeze in 3-4 Voice of Resurgence . Another thought mainly concerned my sideboard since Voice's potential is best used vs control, I thought to replace Witchstalker with Voices instead.

Thoughts/opinions? Should I run them or not and why? If so, which cards should I cut for them?

Jay says... #2

I'd say he's almost always better than Witchstalker

January 21, 2014 10:42 p.m.

S0kre says... #3

Sideboard Witchstalker , mainboard Voice of Resurgence ?

January 21, 2014 10:45 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #4

If I mainboard Voice, what would get cut out of my deck that I currently have though? I feel like the creatures currently synergy fairly well for the strategy I am trying to employ. Think I should reduce spell count and increase creature count? That's currently what I'm thinking about doing, but I feel I will lose flexibility elsewhere in my deck. So, I'm somewhat split.

January 21, 2014 10:48 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #5

As I read my original post, I can see where there could be a little confusion, so I want to clarify, currently the deck isn't running any Voices. I worded that first sentence awkwardly.

January 21, 2014 10:50 p.m.

SB would be really nice. But I see no reason in not mainboarding the playset. Easily out values most of your present board. Theres no reason to remove your noncreature spells for it. Id get rid of 4 of your creatures. Ive tested and played junk a hundred times over in the current format. Any way you go, Voice is good, at least to me. Just IMO though.

January 21, 2014 10:51 p.m.

Jairoe03 says... #7

Okay, so that wasn't too hard to convince me, I managed to include +4 Voice of Resurgence and took out -1 Dryad Militant , -1 Fleecemane Lion , -1 Loxodon Smiter and -1 Golgari Charm .

I spread my cuts across the board fairly evenly. With Militant, I figure I can get good enough opening hands consistent enough with 7 1-droppers. I wouldn't think the 8th made a huge impact in my deck. Fleecemane Lion and Loxodon Smiter's were the next two cuts I felt were easy to make since I feel Fleecemane's biggest strength comes from monstrosity which isn't really the easiest to manage in certain games especially vs removal. Loxodon Smiter for similar reasons as well as the fact that Voice of Resurgence is similarly a good anti-control card so I didn't feel like I lost anything by making that cut, but gaining 3 more anti-control cards than I had before. Golgari Charm mainly because I already carried 4x Ready / Willing so if I really needed it, I can pull two more copies in my sideboard.

In my sideboard I removed 2 Savage Summoning and 1 Witchstalker now that I feel safer vs Control with Voices in mainboard and added another Golgari Charm, Fleecemane Lion and Loxodon Smiter into sideboard from mainboard. Thanks for the help guys, think that actually gave a nice boost to my deck ;)

January 21, 2014 11:07 p.m.

Voice is the best 2 drop period, then fleecemane lion.

January 21, 2014 11:54 p.m.

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