TomeScour vs Cremate...

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 21, 2013, 11:41 p.m. by darthdaddy

Running a Gixis Control Mill, kind of low as far as card draw goes, thinking of running cremate over tome scour, thoughts? This is a post rotation deck and the rest of the deck is set, just having an issue deciding on which of these one drops to throw in...

Fleetfiend says... #2

I suppose it depends on how much mill you have without Tome Scour . In a mill deck, you (obviously) want enough milling to win you the game. Scour is a really good, quick mill card. If you are looking for card draw, there also might be better things to mainboard than Cremate .

August 22, 2013 midnight

darthdaddy says... #3

Cremate is pretty sick and stops reanimate decks, without tome scour i still have Psychic Strike Breaking Codex Shredder Jace, Memory Adept and Mind Grind

August 22, 2013 12:03 a.m.

Fleetfiend says... #4

Thing is, it doesn't really "stop" reanimate decks, considering chances are they have other things in the graveyard to reanimate. Also, reanimate decks are really, really losing steam and popularity because of the atrocious amount of hate that's in standard now.

I just found a card that cover both bases. Pilfered Plans . Yes, it's a higher cost, but it's also really awesome, heh.

August 22, 2013 5:04 p.m.

kataking says... #5

Hey man! If you want some idea's check out my Mill deck. What I basically do is summon creatures that feed off of cards in peoples graveyard like Consuming Aberration . I'd take Tome Scour over Pilfered Plans . You're deck is a little different than mine because you add control. If I could suggest more milling, with cards like; Traumatize , Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker , and Mind Sculpt .

Two easy creatures that will win you the game are Jace's Phantasm . A 5/5 flyer for 1 mana isn't too bad. The other creature is Wight of Precinct Six .

As far as creature control, scratch most of what you have and just replace it with Death's Approach . It's a 1 mana cost spell and it can kill literally anything for the most part, once you get a mill or two in from any sorcery spell.

August 22, 2013 11:28 p.m.

kataking says... #6

You're also running red, but you don't have any Lightning Bolt . If you can't get your hands on those gems then I'd suggest Shock . Not a huge problem, and if you prefer counters then no problem, but a few Lightning Bolt would be a noticeable difference.

Other than that, the deck looks pretty solid!

August 22, 2013 11:36 p.m.

darthdaddy says... #7

Keep in mind this is a POST ROTATION deck as well, and also I have narrowed it down to no creatures, straight control mill, it is sexy right now. I have found a great sideboard for reanimator anyways, I have two Rakdos Charm and just exile their entire graveyard as I am milling... I decided on Tome Scour over Cremate it has won me quite a few games mana screwing my opponents turn one lol! And I think my Codex Shredder s are psychic they seem to mill a land about 80% of the time lol!

August 23, 2013 7:09 p.m.

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