Tri colored deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 25, 2013, 6:33 a.m. by RoughRider19
I have been working on a deck for playing with my friends, but I think my deck could use some improving. I have been playing a red/white/black deck. I usually don't have mana problems, in fact the main concern is how effectively I can kill them, ( if can I kill them by turn 4 or 5.) I have read about good aggro strategies but I want to keep as much of my deck as I can without having to replace too many cards, though I am okay with removing a whole color from my deck if that is what has to be done any suggestions are appreciated and I also don't have 60 cards yet in the deck listed below because I am not sure what else is needed or what needs to go, I'm fairly open and welcome tons of feedback.
Lands-5 Swamps -5 Plains -5 Mountains -3 Evolving Wilds -3 Dragonskull Summit-1 Clifftop Retreat
Creatures-2 Grim Lavamancer -4 Vampire Nighthawk -3 Mirran Crusader
-2 Chandra's Phoenix -
Sorcery-1 Terminus -2 Banefire -2 Bump In The Night -1 Chain Lightning -1 Blightning
Instants-2 Shock -4 Incinerate -4 Lightning Bolt -1 Path to Exile -2 Go for the throat
Enchantments -1 Angelic Destiny
RoughRider19 says... #3
Thank you so much this helps a lot. I did what you said and removed -1 Shock and -2 Incinerate and Terminus from my deck. I don't have all the cards you suggested but can easily buy them but I am curious how many of each should I get.
Dallie says... #2
Obzedat, Ghost Council is a good card as he will dodge any non-instant removal they have, and makes a difference of 9 life per turn, assuming no blockers. I would probably go for 3 of. Angelic Destiny , I feel, is not really worth inclusion, especially as a 1-of. You could add in a few Doom Blade s to go along with Go for the Throat as your kill mechanism.
Terminus seems like it would do you more harm than good most of the time, so I would drop that, and include something like Rakdos Cackler if you're looking for more aggro. Remove 2 Incinerate and 1 Shock as well, as your kill/damage needs should be covered by 4 Lightning Bolt and the other two kill spells.
Ash Zealot will help you against control decks. Faithless Looting thins your deck and helps fuel the Grim Lavamancer s.
Slaughter Games could earn a sideboard slot if you're having trouble with people dropping AEtherling s, and Pithing Needle helps shut down utility lands or planeswalkers.
July 25, 2013 6:55 a.m.