True Conviction or Cleaver riot?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 1, 2014, 5:33 p.m. by MortisAngelus

Hello people!

I'm curious to know your opinion about this? In my planned EDH I have Cleaver riot to boost my beasts (running a modified "Nature of the Beast"-deck; see here: mtg-decks/beastiality-marath-will-of-the-wild-edh/).

However, I just found the card "[[True Conviction" and I wonder, should I replace cleaver riot with that one? It is one mana more, but permanent and I gain lifelink.

What do you think?

Also: Should I Try to add "Final Judgment " or not?

Avernar says... #2

Well, it depends. Do you want it to be done quick or possibly have to wait a while if you don't get enough land, or do you want the bonuses? Take that into consideration and it should help.

January 1, 2014 5:50 p.m.

Jacques says... #3

January 1, 2014 5:51 p.m.

Avernar says... #4

Thanks Jacques.

Now seeing their mana cost, I will definitely say Cleaver Riot . True conviction is way too much Plains for an EDH 3 colour deck.

January 1, 2014 5:55 p.m.

brycecream says... #5

personally, I'm a fan of Savage Beating , since firstly it's a combat trick, and secondly for the option of entwining it for a brutal finisher. it is double red ( triple for the entwine) but imo is definitely worth running in an edh deck

January 1, 2014 6:31 p.m.

MortisAngelus says... #6

First of all, thank you all replying. And especially thank you Jacques for fixing my links (I don't know what happened... am new to the side I guess).

@Avernar & brycecream: I appreciate your help a lot. I am even considering adding both the cards. I was not aware of Savage Beating .

Other thoughts are still welcome (from others aswell)

January 1, 2014 7:29 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #7

I'm not sure why you would ever pick Cleaver Riot over True Conviction . They're both sorcery speed, making them not combat tricks, but True Conviction stays around forever, and gives other bonuses on top of double strike, for just one mana more.

If you're worried about the triple white cost, EDH is full of cards that can balance your mana colors, and on top of that you're running green, which is the best for mana ramp and mana fixing. If you need help with that though, let us know.

January 1, 2014 7:36 p.m.

zandl says... #8

There's no reason to shy away from True Conviction in a 3-color EDH deck. You SHOULD have enough dual-lands and mana-fixing to alleviate any stresses about not having the right mana. I run a handful of spells that require a heavy amount of a certain color in all of my 3-color EDH decks and I very rarely get screwed.

When a spell requires you to go pretty deep into a certain color, that's usually because it's a very potent spell. See: Phyrexian Obliterator , Dawn Elemental , Primalcrux , Ball Lightning , Volition Reins , etc.

January 1, 2014 7:41 p.m.

Avernar says... #9

zandl You forgot BFM :p

In my opinion, it's just way too risky. There's always that 'What if?'. There's always that Oh no moment when you can't play it. Just doesn't really work IMO.

PS. Doubt Primalcrux sees much EDH play XD

January 1, 2014 7:52 p.m.

MortisAngelus says... #10

Hmm.. considering removing Knighthood for True Conviction but the whole purpose for knighthood was to give a 3-mana spell advantage before being able to provide double strike, as that is high cost... Besides I already have 14 enchantments...

@Krayhaft & zandl: So far I have only tested this deck on cockatrice, and mana has never been a problem (except once) as I have tons of card search and card draw and multicolor mana.

January 1, 2014 7:54 p.m.

zandl says... #11

Using True Conviction isn't a big deal. And strictly looking at the power level difference between True Conviction and Cleaver Riot and the fact that Conviction costs 1 more mana should answer the question for you.

Conviction: 6 mana, will be played when you need it to be 93% of the time, gives Lifelink, and is permanent.

Riot: 5 mana, no color issues, no Lifelink, only 1 turn, and you could get combat tricked out of it.

January 1, 2014 8:03 p.m.

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