Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 4, 2013, 5 p.m. by GeoKinetic

Truefire Paladin needs a good constructed deck, it only really fits into boros aggro, and even then it doesnt really fit, so we need an idea for this card, all suggestions are welcome.

CW says... #2

If its not standard just do boros knights, I like Defender of Chaos , Defender of Law , and Knight Exemplar .

November 4, 2013 5:28 p.m.

Dritz says... #3

Honestly, I feel he works just fine in Boros aggro. He doesn't require WW like most of his peers which is friendlier on the T2 mana base. Apart from that, he solves the 'walled' problem as well as some of the problems with over-committing in the longer game.

Craig Wescoe mentioned him a few weeks ago if I remember correctly and I agreed with his general idea.

T2 Truefire Paladin

T3 Ajani, Caller of the Pride , make Truefire Paladin a 3/3 with Ajani.

T4 (Miss your post Ajani bomb, i.e. Spark Trooper , or Heliod, God of the Sun , or Purphoros, God of the Forge ) give Truefire Paladin flying and double strike and pump him twice.

You hit for 14 vigilant flying damage between two permanents and without walking into Supreme Verdict , Golgari Charm s, Anger of the Gods or the like by continuing to land creatures. At the same time it doesn't force you to commit to that if you would rather play blockers and just make the Paladin (or one of your new creatures) larger to serve as blockers, et cetera.

November 4, 2013 5:31 p.m.

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