Trying a different control
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 11, 2014, 5 p.m. by creelgoe
I'm trying to make an alternate control deck that isn't just W/U/x and this is what I came up with. I've always wanted to do a superfriends deck and I think there are some really sweet walkers in standard right now to do it with. Here's the deck: BUG Superfriends Control. The question I have are does this build seem viable? Do I need Thassa here? Should I go with Bow of Nylea over Elixir of Immortality for it's utility?
- Theoretically no, but tournament results seem to indicate U/W/x is the way to go
- No, thassa is only good in a deck that can consistently turn her into a 5/5
- Neither of them are good, except that bow is fine in the occasional MGD deck and elixir is ok in the control mirror.
TheGamer says... #2
1st Question- Yes. You are right, not all control decks have to be W/B/X. I made Grixis and it was just fine so white is definitely no needed.
2nd question- No. When I see the list, I think what is your win condition? I would run maybe 2 AEtherling in place of the Thassa, God of the Sea . Or maybe one AEtherling and something else. But definitely AEtherling .
3rd Question- Elixir of Immortality ... definitely! Gain 5 life (makes aggro's job harder) and shuffle your graveyard into your library (all my threats back in my deck? Awesome!). I don't think Bow of Nylea is necessary. Gaining 3 life per turn is good but that's the only thing that is really good.
Good luck on the deck and happy deckbuilding! I gave it a +1 by the way ;)
March 11, 2014 5:28 p.m.