Trying out B/G
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 28, 2013, 6:10 p.m. by mckin
Wanted to play deadbridge chant in BG deck, love deathrites when I played BUG aggro, 2 damage adds up, and graveyard hate for opposing whip targets.
4 Thoughtseize
and 2 Duress
main for hand disruption, as well information, i dont want to cast a deadbridge into a counterspell.
I traded my nightveils away, and in 4 boxes have never opened a pack rat, but i think the pressure from Dreg Mangler
is a little greater and forces a more immediate answer life wise, but also decks may assume im playing nighveil and want to save removal for it.
Bow of Nylea
helps make sure i only hit the cards i want with deadbridge, as well as can keep deathright, and myself alive, or take out opposing flyers such as judges familiar and cloudfin
not particularly, just built this for fun so i could stop playing control lol
October 28, 2013 6:37 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #4
lol, Yeah, I had like 3 playlets of pack rat and NV specter, since everyone has been wanting them, I have been dumping them off. I figured you were in that crowd.
October 28, 2013 6:54 p.m.
nope, picked up a bunch at $1.50, traded at 8, smiled lol
October 28, 2013 7:43 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #6
Hells yeah... I had the same smile when I pre-ordered desecration demons and they were really cheap. I kept buying them on a hunch at like 50 cents. HAHA and wouldn't you know it, they jumped. I sold two playlets at the shop and two more were traded here. I rule.
October 28, 2013 7:49 p.m.
i bought a collection, paid like $1 each for 7 demons.... im just pissed i traded so many heros downfall at 6-8 range, with dreadbore what it was i didnt see it jumping to 15
October 28, 2013 7:52 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #8
I pre-ordered two sets of Hero's downfall at something crazy like 2.99 each. I was intending on doing the one set to stock (for the binder) and one set to rock (for me). I was out of the loop for a few weeks, and came back after BBD's mono black hit the scene, and I immediately sold the stock set at 15 a piece. I was like, sure... I will do that for some modern staples... great idea.
gnarlicide says... #2
It's funny you should mention this. I have 3 Pack Rat sitting on my desk next to me and 1 Nightveil Specter all of those come to about 18 dollars even. If you're interested, would you be willing to trade for a death rite shaman for them?
October 28, 2013 6:25 p.m.