Trying to Decide on a Standard
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 19, 2013, 4:48 p.m. by Baja-Derpingham
Like the title says. I've got a few designs I like and am trying to determine which deck I should splurge on during my next quarterly deck purchase. I'm shooting to purchase a standard deck and get involved in FNM. Keep in mind that I try to build on a budget, but would like to be as competitive as my $$$ will permit on a concept I generated. Here are the decks also I apologize in advance if this is deck spam. I'm not sure if deck spamming is a "thing" when you are trying to ask for advice on which deck you want to go with and I can't find any forum rules on deck spamming in a help thread. If it is, please lemmie know and I'll be sure to limit myself to one deck posts in the future. That said, le decks:
Plague Rats - Monoblack, Deathtouch, creature control rat deck
Y U NO DIE?! - Simic Defender deck
Heroic Battalion - R/W midaggro
Church of Scientology - Orzhov extortion deck.
I welcome any feedback and am totally capable taking a "constructive" dude, this deck SUCKS comment.
aFriendlyAlly says... #3
I'm just going to give my overall feedback for each of the decksPlague rats- Theres little reason to run a tribal rats in standard. Right now just going mono B + pack rats + mutavault is better. If anything, i would get a couple Gray merchants in there, remove Destroy the Evidence , Rise of the Dark Realms , Grim Return , and Grisly Spectacle . Really, the best black deck right now just packs Desecration Demon , Whip of Erebos , and Thoughtseize
The defender deck- Really no point in limiting yourself to defenders. Blue decks will just be unblockable to you, aggro decks will outswarm you, and how you benefit is miniscule. Doorkeeper doesn't really help much as a win con. It will only be milling around 3-5 for 3 mana.
Orzhov- Just to high of a mana curve. Too slow
Heroic- Probably your best bet, plus the cheapest one to improve. I would lean more towards aggro than heroic. Heroic is too risky as you put too many buffs onto one creature to be targeted. Remove Akroan Hoplite , Tajic, windsteed rider. Put in Boros Elite , Legion Loyalist , and Soldier of the Pantheon .
December 19, 2013 5:37 p.m.
aFriendlyAlly says... #4
A good alternative that is similar to the defender deck is mazes end or turbofog.
December 19, 2013 5:40 p.m.
Baja-Derpingham says... #5
I'd love to put in Thoughtseize , Desecration Demon , Whip of Erebos . Problem with those? $$$ - Way more money that I can put in right now. As the decks currently stand the rats have been performing the best. The rat tribal was incidental as its a kill-control deck. I only put them in because I can give them deathtouch via Ogre Slumlord . There just aren't a lot of other good black death touch cards atm. Going with tribal death rats just seemed to make more sense. Its not an optimum monoblack but I'm rather happy with the cost-effectiveness part although I am sure there is room to improve.
Same goes for Legion Loyalist and Boros Elite . I could probably squeeze in although it would be pushing my whopping budget of $40 to throw in boros elite.
Keep in mind that a lot of my decisions are budget based as I usually stay away from cards over $3.00 unless I can fit it into my overall budget.
December 19, 2013 5:54 p.m.
aFriendlyAlly says... #6
I actually didn't know legion loyalist was that much. The deck wouldn't suffer that much from missing those. And yeah, its why i suggested Boros. Making a devotion black deck will push above 100$ with just the nightveils, desecration, mutavault, and thoughtseizes.
December 19, 2013 6:12 p.m.
Baja-Derpingham says... #7
Yeah lol. Black is crazy. Its not that I'm trying to say "No, I want teh ratz either". They have just been doing a much better job with creature control if I include a sideboard of Dark Betrayal than boros does.
To be fair though I've only been play testing against other tapped out decks, or my own and usually top tier ones that are like, $400...Sooooo there's that.
December 19, 2013 6:25 p.m.
aFriendlyAlly says... #8
Yeah standard decks will usually run anywhere from 100-200+ usually. I think you could make a boros aggro one for around 100 w/o running mutavaults. However boros is definitely the most budget one right now, u can cut many of the expensive cards and still have a decent deck. Of course you won't have the best one, but for the money you can afford, its probably the best choice. The only thing cheaper is probably RDW.
December 19, 2013 8:36 p.m.
ColdHeartedSith says... #9
This deck wins FNM's and isn't a fortune, there isn't a deck in the current meta that beats this with this sideboard if you draw even ok. The deck has 3 card digging tools and utilizes Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to monsterosity stormbreath or double mogey or cast a mogey and chandra in the same turn exc. It has tremendous reach and can win even without combat due to burn, purphoros and fanatic of mogis(Mogey) lovingly. Ok last and final pump...the price is dropped dramaticaly on all its cards so its actually pretty cheap. R/W DevotionDeckWins
EmblemMan says... #2
I would prefer the boros or defender one.
December 19, 2013 5:25 p.m.