trying to make standard lifegain deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 25, 2013, 2:50 p.m. by hypersigil
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to make this deck consistent and figure out what does and doesn't need to be there.
The core of this deck is: Fiendslayer Paladin, Path of Bravery, Lingering Souls, and Angelic Accord. I'm trying to do a lifegain deck built around them. The hope being that I can use lifegain to consistently pump out angels ftw.
In addition to putting in one infinite combo from exquisite blood, I'm trying to make this deck as competitive as possible this weekends' somerset standard open tournament. This will probably be my only chance this summer to go to a big tournament, so I want to give it my all.
This is only the 2nd deck i've ever made so I could use some advice. What should I add / remove? What does / doesn't belong in the sideboard? Am I trying to do too much? Is this deck too slow for competitive standard and I'll be blown out of the water by turn 4?
Let me know what you think.