turn 3 win, 3 diff ways? need help.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 20, 2011, 10:26 p.m. by Resurrector_of_the_Soulslayer
ok need help with this deck idea.
so example #1 (Gaveleer style) - "perfect hand and plays"
Turn 1: land - cast Sylvok Lifestaff
Turn 2: second land - cast Goblin Gaveleer equip the goblin.(goblin is a 4/1 trample)
Turn 3: Third land - cast Assault Strobe on the goblin, attack, cast tainted strike = 10 poison counters = win! (goblin is 5/1 Trample infect, double strike)(one land open too idk if to add blue for a couter tho?)
or example #2 (Painsmith style)
Turn 1: land
Turn 2: second land - cast Painsmith
Turn 3: third land - cast either the staff or the lens, then cast Assult Strobe, Then Taited Strike = 10 poison counters = win! (painsmith ends up being a 5/1 deathtouch, infect, doublestrike)
or example #3 (Kiln Fiend style)
Turn 1: land
Turn 2: Second land - cast Kiln Fiend
Turn 3: Third land - cast Assult Strobe, then tainted Strike = 16 poison counters = win! (Kiln Feind ends up being a 8/2 doublestrike, infect) "you could hold off untill he decide's to just take 8dmg after blockers are declared cast Taited for the win"
so after all of that what should i do? I cant decide what way to go with this deck or to just scrap the idea. I know it takes a buch of diff cards to pull off the plan (least is with kiln fiend only 3) what will hurt my plan the most? and what can i do to solve it?
4x Painsmith 4x Assault Strobe 4x Taited Strike 4x Sylvok Lifestaff 4x Kiln Fiend 4x Goblin Gaveleer 4x Infiltration Lens
djdauenbaugh says... #4
I think your first option is the best. Trample can be far better than the credit its sometimes given. Especially with Infect Also, just a thought: Distortion Strike . Distortion Strike , Lightning Bolt and Assault Strobe for a turn 3 Kiln Fiend is pretty ridiculous, even without the infect!
January 21, 2011 5:15 p.m.
Resurrector_of_the_Soulslayer says... #5
Yay! Thanks guys! This has been a big help. I didn't even realize the kiln fiend and distortion strike assault strobe combo, that seems better than my combos, cus the unblockable part. Hmm now I have tons of testing and planning wee! Fun!
January 21, 2011 6:19 p.m.
I realize this posting is old, have you a new build for NPH?
You might run into some trouble with artifact hate, one Shatter will ruin at least one of your win conditions, and Gut Shot ruins another Also, while the suggestions for the 2nd splash color are entertaining, you might consider keeping the deck mono R to avaoid the mana-screw.
Consider Goblin Guide for one of your one-drops and Rift Bolt suspended which you never hardcast.
shamanicgreen says... #2
My first thought was that you need something like Smoldering Spires , Panic Spellbomb or Goblin Tunneler or else your creatures will just get chump blocked. Flight Spellbomb could also serve in that capacity. Bull Rush , card:Vampire's Bite, and Tainted Strike will help you get those few extra points of damage in should you need them, and there are a bevy of 1 cmc red and black removal spells that can also get rid of blockers Flame Slash Burst Lightning Lightning Bolt Vendetta Stabbing Pain Disfigure Galvanic Blast , hell even Incite would work on non-wall creatures without vigilance. Throw in [[Memnite], Ornithopter and card:Accorder's Shield as zero cost artifacts for Painsmith and chump blockers and an extra equipment and some more Black removal such as Doom Blade Grasp of Darkness Hideous End and Smother to control the field in case you don't get the cards for your combo right away, and you've got the makings of a deck after you pare all this down to your favorites.
January 21, 2011 1:25 a.m.