turn 4 win standard
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 17, 2014, 11:37 p.m. by saltyk
Master of Cruelties please tell me what you guys think i know it is extremely vulnerable to Bile Blight
The deck shares the name of the creature. It features Shadowborn Apostle so it's weak to not just Bile Blight but also things like Izzet Staticaster , Golgari Charm , Ratchet Bomb , Detention Sphere , Anger of the Gods , Drown in Sorrow , and Supreme Verdict (on the draw). Those are just a few that came right to mind.
March 17, 2014 11:50 p.m.
Sorry, not Supreme Verdict ... brain fart on the cmc. But the rest still stand, with the last 3 being threats if this deck is on the draw.
March 17, 2014 11:52 p.m.
Not only all of those, but even if you get Master of Cruelties , your opponent can also use any number of removal spells on that (Cyclonic Rift , Hero's Downfall , Azorius Charm , Mizzium Mortars etc.), since your probably not going to draw enough Apostles to get a second one in time. I would cut 3x Master of Cruelties and put in 1 ofs of other demons. That way, you can pick which demon you grab, and have a wider range of answers.
My suggestions would be: Sire Of Insanity for Control/MUD, Shadowborn Demon as removal, and Eater of Hope against MBD. The only time I would go for Master of Cruelties is if you know they don't have an answer. I would also reduce the burn effects and land by 1-2 each, and add your own spot removal, or possibly Thoughtseize .
March 18, 2014 12:57 a.m.
RussischerZar says... #6
Spark Jolt is just bad. Maybe try to use Immortal Servitude to re-use the Shadowborn Apostle .
tman007 says... #2
How is Master of Cruelties vulnerable to Bile Blight ? It would survive one, I believe.
March 17, 2014 11:45 p.m.