Turn/Burn or Searing Spear?
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 28, 2013, 8:20 p.m. by Saljen
Updating my Izzet deck to include Gatecrash cards. I'm adding 4x nivix cyclopse because... well... he's amazing. I also want to add Turn /Burn but I'm not 100% sure which card would be best to replace. I want it so I can kill 4+ power creatures easily since that's been a weak point of my deck to this point, but I don't know whether to swap out Searing Spear or Pillar of Flame . Any help would be appreciated!
Deck: Nivix-magus Sniper
@Carpediem Good point. I played at the pre-release and Voice of Resurgence was CRAZY in that format.
April 28, 2013 8:50 p.m.
Turn/Burn is probably the best card in Dragon's maze. It's the best answer in the format for voice of resurgence, angel of serenity, thragtusk + a ton of other huge threats
April 28, 2013 9:14 p.m.
Fleetfiend says... #6
xlaleclx I don't think you are talking about the right card here...
April 28, 2013 10:12 p.m.
Yes I am... If you turn and burn Thragtusk they don't get a token, if you use it on Boros Reckoner you they can't redirect the damage to you, if you use it on Angel of Serenity then junk reanimator doesn't get their dudes back... rtfc
April 28, 2013 10:22 p.m.
It also doesn't get Voice of Resurgence get its token.
April 28, 2013 10:22 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #9
But it sure as fuck isnt the BEST card in dragons maze. In my RUG midrange I run both. If you can only choose 1, Searing Spear. Its 3 damage threatens a LOT more cards in the meta right now.
April 28, 2013 10:23 p.m.
Does your searing spear deal with angel of serenity? No does it deal with boros reckoner? no does it deal with voice of resurgence? no does it deal with thragtusk? partially.
April 28, 2013 10:24 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #11
It doesnt deal with Reckoner? Really? You sure? And your missing the 7 mana cost to get rid of their NOT 7 mana cards. Its good, but its not THAT good. Searing Spear will get you out of a lot more situations than turn/burn will.
April 28, 2013 10:27 p.m.
Turn get's rid of boros reckoner without you taking the 3 to the face as well, you just block the reckoner and make him a 0/1.
April 28, 2013 10:29 p.m.
Also turn and burn isn't 7 mana... you might want to read the card.
April 28, 2013 10:30 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #14
5 sorry. I was thinking 5 all together but added the 2 for burn. Its late im tired. Either way. Its fantastic for getting rid of big threats but 3 damage is way more important than 2 and a 0/1 kill. Why the fuck do you think lightning bolt is so good?
April 28, 2013 10:31 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #15
Oh and Voice of Resurgence still gets its token, 'You might want to read the card"
April 28, 2013 10:32 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #17
So your running Turn/Burn over Searing Spear for one card in the format. Good.
April 28, 2013 10:35 p.m.
ScionLocke says... #18
you're mistaken by the stopping voice's ability. regardless of what you use to kill it, if it's their turn, they get a token. but if it's your turn and if it's ability is still active, on death it gives a token. but with turn that ability is just gone and you can kill it with burn or pillar of flame
April 28, 2013 10:37 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #19
I dont know if you should be that scared of Voice to tap 5 mana just to kill it on my turn. Thats like a free passed turn to kill their 2 drop, Id rather just fucking spear it on my turn, only 1 trigger and I have 3 more mana to do what I want with. Lets also all notice the fact the his deck has only 20 lands.
April 28, 2013 10:39 p.m.
Zhuge, you're actually completely retarded... you have no idea what you're talking about...
April 28, 2013 11:29 p.m.
ScionLocke says... #21
i wouldn't say he is retarded but that he has tunnel vision.
April 28, 2013 11:33 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #22
What.. His deck runs 20 lands. With 20 lands WHAT ARE THE CHANCES YOU CAN PLAY 2 CARDS WHEN ONE OF THEM IS A 5 DROP? If youre running a 20 land control deck and you think that you can just throw around 5 cmc kill cards like its nothing youre doing it wrong.
April 28, 2013 11:52 p.m.
Zhuge probably just gave the BEST argument in this discussion. He only has 20 lands.That means that he won't be able to consistently turn & burn creatures at turn 5.
Personally, I say take out Pillar. It's not TOO relevant unless Dieing triggers are rampant in your meta. (In my own, even with voice, there won't be enough to warrant Pillar in the main.)
Just sideboard out one of the two and playtest it till you find what you like best.
April 28, 2013 11:54 p.m.
with 20 lands he can't run bonfire either. The mana base needs to be figured out before anything
April 28, 2013 11:57 p.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #25
You CAN run bonfire, and just hope to god that you have no opening hands with it since the only draw power he has at all is Izzet Charm. Even so, bonfiring for 1 with 3 mana is very, very powerful in the right situation. When you wipe B/R zombies field on turn 3 because of cards like Gravecrawler/Blood Artist/Spike Jester or get rid of any decks mana dorks Arbor Elf/Zhur taa druid you can mess them up pretty bad.
April 29, 2013 12:02 a.m.
ZhugeTsuki says... #26
Also let it be known that Im basing all of this off of the real meta, as in Star City events, Pro tours, super IQ's, etc etc. Pillar is very important, it gets rid of G/R, B/R zombies, BUG aggro, etc etc. And since G/R aggro is currently the most popular deck in the format...
April 29, 2013 12:07 a.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #28
I think everyone agrees that Turn / Burn is the better spell in a vacuum. It can do a lot more than a Searing Spear can. Its problem is that its versatility comes at the lack of raw power.
In the current Standard, a more powerful effect earlier in the game is probably going to be more relevant. By the time you get to the 5 mana you need to pay the Fuze, you are probably in a worse state than if you had cast the spear right away. Three damage on turn 2 can stop Naya Blitz. Two damage cannot.
April 29, 2013 2:04 a.m.
vampirelazarus says... #29
He does have a point though. Spear can deal with most threats for less. Sure, they get a token from thraggy, but they can't bounce him now. Kills the voice, but they get the token, also, as has been stated, turn and burn, in order to cast both, consumes much more mana than the spear.
So, the way I see it is it depends entirely on your deck. Aggro will probably continue with spear, but RWU control might dip into the split card.
ScionLocke says... #2
searing spear for one big reason: Voice of Resurgence . You dont want that thing dead, you want it gone. both Turn / Burn and Pillar of Flame are capable of getting rid of it without issue but not the spear.
April 28, 2013 8:25 p.m.