Two M14 event decks: mashup help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 5, 2013, 5:25 p.m. by gusstrand
I used to play quite a bit, even way early on, stopped around 2009 and sold all of my cards... Now my youngest son is playing and I want to as well, but don't want to get sucked in to the cardboard crack... Thus, I have two M14 Event Decks, and want to combine them in to one playable FNM deck that will not cycle in the next month. Not looking to clean house, just hold my own half, even a quarter of the time.
The deck I posted, M14 Event Deck x2 Mashup "Double Rush of the Wild", is my first cut at making a more playable deck out of the two event decks. Feedback, please!!
I'm not going to go out and buy singles... Been there, done that, and as you know, the cardboard crack is a money pit... Thus, I'm sticking to the pool of cards from the two copies of the event deck.
These are the cards available to use, considering playsets and cards after combining the two decks (Sorry for the formatting...)
3 Mizzium Mortars (The decks came with 2, Son gave me one more)
4 Shock
4 Enlarge
Looking for your help and ideas!
Thanks in advance.