u/b control ISD
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 17, 2011, 9:08 a.m. by Ziabo
Can someone help me get a ub control for isd I haven't been around for a few months and these tranformation cards confuse the hell outta me. so can someone help me to get going on a control deck please
Oh yeah,i totally forgot about it... even Snapcaster Mage always appear in them... its ability is relieved ._.
December 17, 2011 11:42 a.m.
thanks man that really helps me out. but what about Massacre Wurm ? he seems like a beast and I know the cmc is a lil curved on him, but what do you think about him?
December 17, 2011 4:01 p.m.
Yeah,one out four of my friends use it,and another one uses two of them in Sideboard against heavy aggro. It is a beast too indeed. I would suggest you to add it at least 1x or 2x in Sideboard :)
Noloic says... #2
A lot of my friends uses U/B Control decks (they are so annoying and,especially,they have all the same cards),so i may help you on this.
First,every control deck uses counters like Mana Leak ,Negate and Dissipate . Creature killing like Doom Blade and Go for the Throat are much used too. card:Black Sun's Zenith is like an apocalypse against aggro decks,and they're used against Shroud and Hexproof creatures,like the annoying Geist of Saint Traft or Dungrove Elder .
Second,the card drawers. Every control deck uses Think Twice for its cmc and Flashback ability. Some people also uses Forbidden Alchemy ,that is a double-edged sword,for me.
Third,the creatures. T2 U/B Control decks usually have something like 4-5 pumped creatures in the whole deck,but Consecrated Sphinx always appear (its effect is damned strong,using a control). Grave Titan and Wurmcoil Engine are possible creatures too.
Fourth,but less important,the lands. Of course you'll need U/B double mana granting land (Darkslick Shores and Drowned Catacomb ),but some people also uses Nephalia Drownyard ,that makes you have another finisher : a sort of mill. Mill U/B Control decks sometimes uses Jace, Memory Adept too,but it isn't that advised.
That's all i guess :)
December 17, 2011 11:40 a.m.