U/B Zombies (control)
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 31, 2013, 5:20 a.m. by tekat00
Hi!I haven't played Magic for almost 6 years but my family gave me some cards for my birthday this year. It was just joke from them, reminder that I played. But I want to start again :) So here I am. There are no Magic forums in my country so I'm trying it here, hope my english is at least readable.
I wanna build U/B Zombies control deck, I have some cards but I have no idea how to build it. I saw many decks but I think that help from you guys will be better. I dont know which blue control card put in and how exactly build the deck. And also I can't spend hundreds of dolars on it. And I dont want to build monoblack zombie deck because of lack of control and some black/blue cards. But with which different color can I play zombies?
From many decklists I saw I guess I have to buy Gravecrawler, that kinda important card, right?
And I also have these cards:4x Diregraf Captain, 1x Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and 1x Grave titan (should I use them? the seems pretty strong), 2x Unbreathing Horde, 2x Zombie Apocalypse, 2x Nihil Spellbomb, 2x Tribute to Hunger, 4x Diregraf Ghoul, 4x Dark Ritual, 2x Vile Rebirth 4x Dimir Aqueduct (this one is not that great right, are there any better multi lands?), 3x Vapir Snag, 2x Victim of Night, 1x Soulless One 2x Zombie Infestation,4x Disentomb a 2x Skirsdag High Priest + 4x Counterspell.
I am sorry for bothering you with questions like that. So will you help me build deck with (some of) these cards? Help me choose what to buy and how to make this deck good?
Big thanks to everyone who helps me, thank you so much!
Mostly with friends but I wanted to start with tourneys .. I think they play Modern.
March 31, 2013 6:13 a.m.
Dark Ritual , Soulless One and Counterspell aren't legal in Modern, but just looking at that list I think that was it. So your cards are:
4x Diregraf Captain 1x Grimgrin, Corpse-Born 1x Grave Titan 2x Unbreathing Horde 2x Zombie Apocalypse 2x Nihil Spellbomb 2x Tribute to Hunger 4x Diregraf Ghoul 2x Vile Rebirth 4x Dimir Aqueduct (There's Watery Grave , Underground River , etc. as well)3x Vapor Snag 2x Victim of Night 2x Zombie Infestation 4x Disentomb 2x Skirsdag High Priest
March 31, 2013 7 a.m.
Yes. And I need to build deck woth them and buy more cards. Probably 4x Geralf's Messenger and 4x Gravecrawler. Do you know some good U/B Zombies decks?
March 31, 2013 7:13 a.m.
Well you could have Rooftop Storm , depending on the speed of your deck, and it also goes infinite with Gravecrawler and Grimgrin, Corpse-Born . Also, there is Havengul Lich
March 31, 2013 3:53 p.m.
Jarrheadd0 says... #7
Zombies can really be Black and any other color. Blue is all right if you want a more control-ish deck, but Green and Red are also good options.
March 31, 2013 4 p.m.
@tekat00: Yeah you have it right. The shell for any Standard zombie deck is:
4x Diregraf Ghoul 4x Gravecrawler 4x Geralf's Messenger 2+ Blood Artist and/or Knight of Infamy and/or Bloodthrone Vampire
New Phyrexia cycled out a while ago, so U/B Zombies lost some of its oomph it was getting from Ponder . It lacks a strong draw spell of equal status.
If you're going just U/B (and no green, red, or white splashed in), I'd suggest:
4x Watery Grave 4x Dimir Guildgate 4x Drowned Catacomb 2x Cavern of Souls 6x Swamp -----------------------------------------------------24 Lands
4x Diregraf Captain 4x Diregraf Ghoul 4x Gravecrawler 4x Geralf's Messenger 4x Bloodthrone Vampire 4x Blood Artist -----------------------------------------------------24 Creatures
2x Liliana of the Veil 2x Jace, Architect of Thought 1x Cyclonic Rift 3x Dissipate 2x Dimir Charm 2x Tragic Slip -----------------------------------------------------12 Other Spells
This is just a rough draft and you'd need to tweak it.
sylvannos says... #2
Some of the cards he gave you aren't standard legal (Grave Titan ). Are you just playing for fun with friends or going to local tourneys and stuff?
March 31, 2013 6:04 a.m.