U/B/W Control/Mill Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 14, 2013, 11:14 p.m. by Zeco_Humano28
Hey guys,Ever since I started playing Magic, I've loved the concept of Mill as a win condition. I'm trying to make one now, but its not control enough because every time I play any of my friends, I lose horribly. I would love some feedback on my deck. The one I'm running currently can be found here ( http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/ubw-controlmill/ ). Please advise on some cards I can use or tactics I can deploy. Im desperate.
Thanks guys!
detentionsphere says... #3
UBW Control with a mill win condition is a viable strategy at the moment, but you are best off using Nephalia Drownyard as the only mill card since it is a land and does not take up spell slots. Here is a sample list: Esper Control Drownyard
tynansdtm says... #2
In future, you can link decks by typing their name (or rather, the name in the URL) within double square brackets. For example, Bant Turbomill.
June 15, 2013 1:31 a.m.