U/G (Biovisionary) deck help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 14, 2013, 2:11 p.m. by Zykes
I recently got back into Magic and have been using a friend's Aristocrat deck to play in my LGS tournaments. With the advent of Theros upon us, I decided to build a deck for myself. I like to build decks around win conditions other than bringing an opponent's life total to 0. On top of that, I enjoy running with colors that many others may not usually play. As I was looking through various cards and decklists, a deck built around Biovisionary--or U/G in general seemed like a cool idea.
My deck: Something is currently just a prototype and I'd like some advice on cards I should use to achieve my goal. Having said that, I think that the fundamental goal of this deck is actually twofold: Firstly, to attempt to win with Biovisionary, and Secondly (or alternatively), if that does not or cannot pan out, then to ramp up +1/+1 counters onto creatures and deal lethal damage to my opponent. using Master Biomancer, Evolve, and big green creatures. I don't know if I'd be spreading myself too thin with this plan though.
While I was researching, I found a deck that seemed to do what I wanted perfectly here: Bionic Commandos but as you know, most of those cards are about to cycle out.
I'lI also thought of splashing white similar to Return of the Bant A deck like that would buy me more time to pull a Biovisionary victory, but if that falls through it has nothing left. I'm also concerned with Theros in what will probably be a slower paced game due to the lack of flexible shock lands.
I feel that while this type of deck idea may not be a world winning tournament one, it does have potential to be something special. Is there any advice for a deck building newb such as myself?