U/G Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 18, 2014, 3:17 a.m. by TenaciousTaurus
So I pulled a Kiora, the Crashing Wave the other day and I want to make a deck around her colors but I don't know the first thing about U/G decks, What would be some of the basic mechanics I would use in making a standard-ish deck?
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #3
First off, I honestly think that Kiora, the Crashing Wave
is only playable in a Bant Control deck so you can use Supreme Verdict
to defend her. She's too vulnerable otherwise.
For straight Simic, I think there are 3 viable routes you can take in Standard.
You can do a modified Blue Devotion deck, mainly for teaming Master Biomancer with Master of Waves (so the Elementals don't die when Waves is removed) and all the other little creatures, and Simic Charm is a useful tool as well. Kiora can replace Jace, Architect of Thought here if you don't want to spend the money on Jace, tho it's definitely a downgrade. Here's an example: http://mtgtop8.com/event?e=6195&d=235677
A modified Green Devotion deck can be very good as well, but again, I probably wouldn't run Kiora there since defending her can be tricky. In that kind of deck, Blue is primarily useful for Cyclonic Rift , Prime Speaker Zegana , Prophet of Kruphix , Kiora's Follower instead of Voyaging Satyr , and Simic Charm . AEtherling and counterspells are good sideboards too. I have been running a deck like that for a few months: My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM). I have Jace in my deck and there's no way Kiora replaces him.
Finally, the Simic Flash deck is very cool. It's basically a deck full of Flash creatures and counterspells, which allows you to leave your mana open and react to the opponent's moves. It's a hard deck to play, but very powerful in the right hands. This could be a decent shell for Kiora since there are ample counterspells and bounces to protect her. I'd still probably opt for Jace tho. The deck: http://mtgtop8.com/event?e=6280&d=236108
Dallie says... #2
I only play UG TurboFog, and that's casual, so I don't know too much about Simic Standard. One thing I can say however is; don't try to force Evolve. It's good, but it's not something you should build a deck around.
February 18, 2014 3:22 a.m.