Unblockable Standard - Help please!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 28, 2013, 9:28 p.m. by aeternity
I need help creating a budget unblockable/intimidate standard deck.
Which means $10 total cost or less.So far I have this. unblockablestdandco
I have a few key problems:
Right now there's little removal - I had put in Syncopate and Doom Blade earlier, but I feel like the two cards really just don't fit in the deck somehow, so I removed them. My friends run Angelic Accord and Chalice of Life Flip on their standard life-gain deck (which will probably win against this deck, ugh.)
When I playtest it, I either get mana-screwed or too mana-heavy. Making this deck work, versus my elf ramp deck to get mana out in a timely order without screwing myself over, seems to be very difficult.
There's a lack of win-con. The whole point of an unblockable deck is to, well, be unblockable, so the whole point is to beat them down before they can build. The problem is that I can only swing for so much, as the highest power among my creatures is 3.When there's audacious life-gain on the other side as well as random 5/5 demon tokens cluttering up the board, there's not much I can do.
I can't seem to find good +/+ counters on anything cheap black/blue in standard. This makes my 2/2s and 3/3s weak things.
---> and before anyone says put in AEtherling , please consider my $10 budget!
If anyone could give me pointers I'd appreciate it very much!
SharuumNyan says... #3
You want to build an entire standard deck for $10? I don't think that's possible.
If money is really tight, can you use proxies since you're just playing casual in the lunchroom?
Or maybe you're friends could all give pauper a try, where $10 decks are commonplace.
August 28, 2013 9:40 p.m.
No proxies allowed, because some kid printed out 4 black lotus and stuffed them into his deck, along with Darksteel Colossus .
And I believe that there is a way to build a deck for $10. My current standard deck is just under $10 and it has some win-con - just not enough.
There are some pretty darn nice standard combos out there for less than $10. Lavinia of the Tenth costs 10~30 cents, and if you flicker her every turn with Conjurer's Closet , (around 40~70 cents) then that already beats up most weenie aggro and token decks. It also detains things like Chalice of Life Flip , and any transformed cards.
I'm just asking if there's any of that for blue/black.
If I stay away from buying things like shocklands and mythics, and stick only to the cheaper rares/uncommons, I know that it is possible to build a $10 or cheaper deck.
And it's not like I want a deck that's winning any tournaments or overrunning the competition (I have a non-standard green ramp deck for that.) Just a deck which is fun to play, will win some, lose some, and not get everyone angry at me about it.
August 28, 2013 9:50 p.m.
Big_Steve6789 says... #5
My suggestion is to look into Cipher cards from Return to Ravinca block. The deck is do-able, but it may have to run more like aggro-control. Running Hands of Binding or Hidden Strings should give guys like Incursion Specialist or Soulsworn Spirit enough of an edge to be very mean. Hope this helps, good luck.
August 28, 2013 10:19 p.m.
do the basic lands be included in the under $10 cost?
also Air Servant can be a good finisher, if you have enough mana. i like Soulsworn Spirit with stolen identity for reusable detaini dont feel that Hidden Strings is good enough in an unblockable deck i would run either an enchantment or more removalone last thing, if it needs help against aggro Child of Night can be a good option with removal
August 28, 2013 10:31 p.m.
Thanks for all the replies!
Yeah. Hidden Strings will probably be removed, because I don't have any counters in my deck. Instead I will probably run 4 Hands of Binding for some fun detain. Ty for that c:
I don't find Soulsworn Spirit worth it tbh. :c I'll have enough detain with Hidden Strings hopefully.
...? Child of Night ? Why? lol
August 28, 2013 10:39 p.m.
Nivmagus Elemental
($0.45), Artful Dodge
($0.20), Hidden Strings
($0.14) & Gift of Orzhova
($0.35) Total: $4.56 for 16 cards.
Cast Hidden Strings
and cipher it onto the Nivmagus Elemental
, if you can't get through, use Artful Dodge
Now comes the fun (but somewhat fragile) part: When you connect with the Elemental, you get to cast a copy of the ciphered spell, but... instead you exile the copy, and put two +1/+1 counters on him. Next turn, cast another Hidden Strings on the Elemental, flash back your Artful Dodge, and exile BOTH ciphered copies for 4 more counters, now your elemental is up to a 7/7, and can grow by 4/4 a turn. Then add Gift of Orzhova to give it flying and lifelink.
After that your other copies of Artful dodge become essentially "Target creature is unblockable, put 2 +1/+1 counters on it" because you can cast it, then flash it back immediately and exile it.
August 28, 2013 10:51 p.m.
Oh, and you can bring back that Syncopate too, it sures up your control, but if you don't need it you can cast it for X=0 and exile it for counters before it fizzles without a target.
aeternity says... #2
Oopsie daisies! The link to my deck doesn't work :ctry this~
Unblockable Std. and Co
August 28, 2013 9:28 p.m.