Universal Monsters theme deck! Help!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 25, 2011, 5:42 p.m. by Learningcurve
Deck based off the classic horror movies.
Could use some input; sideboard, substitutions, ect.
Surprisingly quite a bit of synergy in the deck. I had originally intended it to be purely a fun/casual deck but the more I tweak it the more viable it seems.
Its currently missing two major universal monsters: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Creature From the Black Lagoon.
I'm considering using Skaab Ruinator for the creature, and a blood ogre or two for Hunchback, but can't decide where to fit them in.
I've also considered putting in chandra and referring to her as Carrie, though she isn't really a Universal monster, and I was originally trying to keep the cost of the deck low as its a casual/fun deck more than a competitive tourney deck. However the synergy with all the proliferation and the hole she could fill in getting rid of annoying 1 drops would be very nice.
I'm worried as to how vulnerable it might be to creature hate, and how I might get around that.
Please comment/critique/+1!
pookypuppy6 says... #2
Not many hunchbacks in Magic I'm aware of. BUT I can suggest for more monster ideas you take a look in the Odyssey set, which was horror themed like Innistrad. There is even a card simply called Childhood Horror
October 25, 2011 6:29 p.m.