Unsure of which EDH deck to invest in next... Help?

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 24, 2013, 9:52 p.m. by Joshuawesome

Not sure if this belongs here, or in the EDH forum, but here goes.

So, the last worthwhile EDH deck I've made was ...And That’s Why You Always Leave a Note which I am very happy with. It's my highest ranked deck and it wouldn't be half as cool as it is without the help of my Tapped Out comrades.

That said, I am currently trying to create a follow up to it. I am almost done purchasing the cards I need for the aforementioned deck, and am eager to start compiling for it's follow up. I know I want to run a Voltron deck, but I'm unsure if I want to go with Auras or Equipment. As such, I've made two decks, but I'm struggling when it comes to which of the two I should devout my attention to.

The two decks I am working on are:
Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?
Meat's Meat, and a Man's Gotta Eat!

Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?: This deck revolves around Uril, the Miststalker and is an aura based Voltron deck. I like it because it's colorful, and the name is an Arrested Development reference (a show I absolutely cannot get enough of). I don't like it because it's pretty generic and doesn't stand out.

Meat's Meat, and a Man's Gotta Eat!: This deck revolves around Varolz, the Scar-Striped and is an equipment based Voltron deck. I like this one because it's not everyday you see Varolz used as a Voltron general, which gives it some flair. I don't like it because I like playing three colors (although I am not opposed to dual color decks).

I'd LOVE to get some opinions and input from my fellow Tapped Outers. Both decks need some work, and I am open to not only advice on how to decide which to pour money into, but also would love help getting the decks to a competitive level. If I can get either of them to the same level that ...And That’s Why You Always Leave a Note is on (or higher), I'll be a very happy camper. Thanks all for taking the time to read this (if you did, in fact, read this), and if this was posted in the wrong forum, my apologies.

agGravity says... #2

I'd say it's not that rare to see Varolz, the Scar-Striped as a Voltron general, not that I want to prevent you from the fun it gives. I'd go with him overall, Uril is renowned to be what he is. And unless you have tons of way to recur your enchantment it's just harder to deal with boardwipe with Enchantment Voltron vs Equip. And Varolz has a back up in case of massive artifact hate.

I'd recommend to try both on some free online platform wink wink cockatrice. But I have a feeling that Varolz is going to be more resilient than Uril.

But you didn't exploit White nor Blue in your previous deck and it's always a good thing to diverse you play, and only Uril bring new color to your palette. Although if you have lots of Staples for G/B already, it could save you money.

June 24, 2013 10:21 p.m.

Joshuawesome says... #3

I'm going to see how both pan out comment/suggestion wise. I think both could be viable, as I like both generals and playtesting both I can secure a win before turn 9 every 3 of 4 games I've tried (Varolz is much faster, turn 6 even).

I'm not the biggest white fan, and blue is great, if I can ever find a general that I agree with.

June 25, 2013 12:44 a.m.

Krayhaft says... #4

Well if you have multiple edh decks and are not sure of which to put money into, think about just getting staples that can fit into multiple edh decks.

I'm not sure of your budget, but Maze of Ith , Vedalken Orrery , multiple Sol Ring s, fetchlands, etc all slide easily into most edh decks.

June 25, 2013 12:52 a.m.

Joshuawesome says... #5

MurasakiRose, you've inspired me, and I scrapped both.

Bruna, Light of Alabaster Voltron EDH (Needs Help)

June 26, 2013 12:37 a.m.

Joshuawesome says... #6

The link above won't work since I renamed the deck.

Here ya go: Bruna, Light of Alabaster: The Game!

June 27, 2013 12:18 a.m.

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