Upgrading with M14
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 22, 2013, 9:29 a.m. by SpitFirePunk
Just looking for a little advice, I have a few cards coming from pre-orders & trades this week & am updating my main standard deck Rackdos Requiem . Just wondering what you think I should swap out/include to make this deck better.... Often it stomps straight over a few of the decks at FNM, however if it goes to mid/late game I start to lose my advantage. Now that people have played against it I'm expecting more counter spells/fogs/riot controls etc etc....
Cards due to arrive:
2x Chandra's Phoenix 4x Boros Charm 2x Aurelia, the Warleader 2x Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch 4x Aurelia's Fury 4x Wild Ricochet 1x Dreadbore 2x Pyromancer's Gauntlet 2x Staff of the Flame Magus 1x Guttersnipe
So far I was going to; remove the shred freaks & add two more spike jesters. Remove the malcontents and replace with Aurelia & Exava. Remove the two burnt at the stake for Aurelia's fury. Swap out the rakdos charms for the Boros charms. Swap 2 skyknights for the phoenix's.
Though I'd still like the 3rd guttersnipe, last dreadbore & the wild ricochet in there :/
Comments/suggestions preferred on the decks' page. Thanks in advance....
Schuesseled says... #3
Wild ricochet, great side against control. (terrible mainboard)
July 22, 2013 9:47 a.m.
SpitFirePunk says... #4
Most of the decks I seem to play against are mid or control..... Hence why I wanted to main her for FNM. Yeah Exava came with a bulk trade, rather her than something for a different deck :P
I'm gunna be sad when Hellrider rotates :(
Again, wild ricochet I wanted to have at least a couple in my main..... if not against a control deck can use it to double cast essentially, if that's a burn card, guttersnipe should provide some nice extra damage (if I'm right in thinking a copy will trigger guttersnipes static ability too?)...
Schuesseled says... #2
I'd put aurelia in your sideboard, gives you a little extra umph against control/midrange. exava i would leave alone until rotation as hellrider is much better.
July 22, 2013 9:46 a.m.