U/W Heroic-Control Budget Concept - Goal: Under $50!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 17, 2014, 5:38 p.m. by Jairoe03
So the goal here was to create a deck under $50.00 in value (according to this site) while focusing around the central theme of Heroic-Control, which features Battlewise Hoplite and Mindreaver for the foundation of this deck.
The main triggers in this deck primarily are Gods Willing and Triton Tactics to manipulate the situation and the board. Scry cards and Ordeal of Thassa help you manipulate the deck to try and acquire an advantage over opponent. Ephara's Enlightenment is a means for repeatable triggers.
Thoughts? Ideas?
I tried to keep that pretty open ended as a lot of the fun for most people in Magic is actually building their own decks. Also, pardon all the typos please. I'm apparently too lazy to proofread.
February 17, 2014 5:51 p.m.
Is my idea..has a little bit of control with alot of heroic triggers/unblockable!..It would be budget if you took out a Hallowed Fountain or 2
February 17, 2014 6:03 p.m.
Thanks for the idea on Daxos of Meletis , I really like that card and it totally slipped my mind. I don't mind your deck concept Fullmetalmage but the point of my deck was to combine the uses of Heroic and aspects of Control. Your deck isn't really along that vein albeit I won't deny that it probably works, its just you have two clear halves of a deck, a control side and a creature-beats side. I was trying to mesh those two into each other a little more.
Midwest says... #2
Granted my deck is a casual deck and not Standard but I think the U/W tempo tends to be the stronger option for U/W heroic. Run Battlewise Hoplite and Wingsteed Rider (as he evades by flying) and another creature of you choice (Mindreaver if you'd like although I personally would probably pick a white hero) with your choice of cheap (cheap CMC is key here) enchantments. Then run lots of control cards such as counter and bounce spells. Dissolve , Negate , Essence Scatter are all incredibly budget alongside things such as Voyage's End , Retraction Helix , Time Ebb . But anyway the idea is that turns 1,2, and 3 (maybe 4) you're playing a creature or two and enchanting them to make them bigger and stronger than any opposing 1-3 drops in the format. From there use your counters and bounces to prevent you opponents from being able deal with your now decently sized Hero. A pretty basic tempo build but really fun with U/W Heroic. I'd recommend it.
February 17, 2014 5:48 p.m.