U/W (no R) modern?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 20, 2014, 8:38 p.m. by smackjack
I was like everyone else when i started playing magic. A Green 8/8 wurm creatures are the biggest shit you could play so i played green. Then i figured out that opponents could be faster than me, and that control was a thing. Since then i have loved blue white control. Right now it might not be the best in modern, but i love it. I dont want to add red, partly because i dont have the money for the mana base and partly because i hate red :).
I want blue white to be a thing instead of all these UWr decks. I have this deck, and im looking for any suggestions that doesn't include adding another color.
Please take a look and comment if you have any suggestions. And please elaborate on you suggestion. Its appreciated.
UW Control Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 3 COMMENTS | 525 VIEWS@Slycne it's surprising how many people are unaware of the amazing tech that is Porphyry Nodes !
On your list, I like the cards you're running (only thing I'd change is including Sphinx's Revelation s and a couple Blade Splicer s), but I really don't like the numbers. 4x snare, 4x PTE, 4x resto, only 3x Geist, and running any number of Serum Visions seems wrong to me. There should probably be some wipes in the mix as well.
Slycne says... #2
Well if you're looking to go deep on UW, Porphyry Nodes might be worth playing around with. It seems like it could be interesting against Zoo and Bitterblossom . The cost is certainly there, and the effect can potentially kill several creatures given time.
February 20, 2014 8:48 p.m.