U/W Sideboard Help against MBD?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 26, 2014, 11:44 a.m. by Arorsthrar

I currently run a pretty standard U/W deck, I'm lacking one Sphinx's Revelation and 3 Jace, Architect of Thought . I currently have trouble playing against mono-black devotion (I win only about 25% of the time), and I don't feel like my sideboard is strong enough to deal with it, so if you have any suggestions for the sideboard or any tips on dealing with MBD, I'd greatly appreciate it! I have the most problems with the hand disrupt (Thoughtseize ) and Underworld Connections and Whip of Erebos .

Current Sideboard:

3x Negate -for mirror (anyone know how good this is against MBD-I think it can help against their Underworld Connections and Thoughtseize , but I'm unsure.

2x Gainsay -for mirror and MUD

2x Glare of Heresy -White weenie, decks that like to run Assemble the Legion , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , etc. I don't really want to remove this, but (especially with Spirit of the Labyrinth coming in, but I will for a good suggestion).

2x Yoked Ox -Stops a lot of damage from RDW and white weenie. It has done well when I get it out early, but I think it is something I would take out if there is a good suggestion.

1x Pithing Needle -Obvious Reasons

1x Essence Scatter -Not so sure on this one and I'm hoping to take it out; comes in for any devotion deck really to ruin the pivotal Master of Waves , Gray Merchant of Asphodel , and Fanatic of Mogis

2x Last Breath - I really like this in my sideboard and most likely won't take it out because it deals with so many good cards in standard: Voice of Resurgence , [Chandra's Phoenix]] and Soldier of the Pantheon (which has beat me down since I can't Azorius Charm it).

2x Ratchet Bomb - Another card I really don't want to take out, because landing this on turn 2 can be a remove pivotal creatures the opponent controls and for MBD their Underworld Connections .

10vernothin says... #2

well. if you were playing black I'd say thoughtseize and/or dimir charm if you're not made of money.

But U/W? The best thing you do is to play attrition; bounce, counter, draw and make sure they don't draw cards.

January 26, 2014 12:29 p.m.

-Logician says... #3

Revoke Existence can deal with Underworld Connections and Whip of Erebos , as well as Detention Sphere and Assemble the Legion . Might be a solid exchange for Glare of Heresy . Considering mainboarding one or two. Couldn't hurt.

January 26, 2014 2:03 p.m.

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