U/W/X Control Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 25, 2013, 6:39 a.m. by Kharashi
Let me say thanks for peeking in here before I start.
Anyways, I'm pretty new to magic, been playing for maybe a month (possibly not even that long, actually). I've familiarized myself with magic quite a bit, but I'd really like some help on building my first serious standard deck. I'd like the ability to take it to a FNM, if I chose to, and I don't want to spend money on a deck that cycles out in October, so I've been limiting myself to a post-Innistrad standard rotation. I know that's a bit limiting--and I'll probably make a lot of adjustments when October comes around--but until then, I've got a few questions. I've made a sample control deck for every combination of blue and white--Bant, American, Esper, and plain Azorius. Mostly, I'm just looking for feedback on what might be best for someone like me, who has limited standard format experience, to run. If you're curious, my decks are all here.
Hello there! I'm new to the site so this shall be my first comment!I did happen to look at a few of your decks and they seem pretty good :)If you're wondering control color combination involving U/W would work best post-rotation, well it's rather hard to say. I've actually had all three types, except my bant deck became more aggressive and counter-control rather than actual control. I currently am favoring America because the red provides more win conditions being that red, by its nature, likes to burn out opponents or provide lots of fast monsters. Esper is almost too slow for my liking, since you really want to win by milling out which can be stressful if you're up against a good player making it more likely for you to make a mistake. I would say an esper control deck is definitely effective (although seeing less play currently), but you have to be really really good to play it with a high success rate. As for bant, if you build it well, its usually pretty solid. I would definitely say though that from the looks of it, a bant control deck won't work so well post-rotation (mostly with the loss of Thragtusk ). However, there is the possibility that the new expansions will provide bant with some fairly good options for replacement. Anyways, long story short, the best combination will be what fits your playstyle. If you are comfortable with your deck, then you can play it well and remain cool, which is essential to win with a control deck. If you're just trying to play what you think works best for control, then it more than likely won't work as well :( I hope I was able to help! I love control decks
July 25, 2013 11:57 a.m.
Bant slivers? No, I guess I hadn't. But it definitely sounds interesting :) Because slivers have only re-released just in m14, I had never even considered it before (I really only play standard and sometimes dabble in EDH). I think I shall look into it though and see what I can come up with since you've peaked my curiousity :3
July 25, 2013 5:02 p.m.
What exactly would you put in a Bant Sliver deck feyn_do_alduin?
July 25, 2013 5:15 p.m.
gaarakazekage says... #7
if your on a budget i recommend azorius control with AEtherling as your w/c. if not you should try esper control. but one of the variants that dont use milling as the w/c. if you dont like control definetly go bant midrange. since you want b/w you cant really play that aggroy but if your willing to go out of your colors definetly play junk tokens. it looks pretty damn good when innistrad rotates out. anyways have fun with whatever you choose. its always cool to see new people playing mtg
July 25, 2013 10 p.m.
detentionsphere says... #8
Well, Esper control was the best deck in Return to Ravnica Block Constructed so it is your best bet. With a shell of:
2-4 Far / Away
0-2 Detention Sphere
1-2 AEtherling
0-2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa / Obzedat, Ghost Council
2-3 Warped Physique / Doom Blade
0-4 Jace, Architect of Thought
2-4 Psychic Strike / Syncopate / Render Silent
July 26, 2013 4:41 a.m.
I would like to press "like" on detentionsphere's ideas :)
July 26, 2013 12:31 p.m.
feyn_do_alduin says... #10
Esper and Bant are fighting for first ATM for the best build of the block.
Funniest thing I've seen with Bant tribal was to run all your tribal creatures. And then run Progenitor Mimic to clone your pump creatures.
With slivers, you can splash ANY color. So you can splash white or black for counter board-wipe cards like Boros Charm s and Golgari Charm s. if you like using tokens, you can also use Rootborn Defenses . This will facilitate your win-con of MASSIVE board advantage.
The crappy thing with regenerate is that the rules state that regenerated creatures, as with undying and persist abilities, they cycle through the graveyard thus ruining your token base.
July 26, 2013 2:48 p.m.
feyn_do_alduin says... #11
To answer your earlier question I would put all the green and white slivers in there, with hive stirrings and Galerider Sliver (A full set. EACH). Maybe some token support from the populate cards from the RtR block. Use a couple Growing Ranks and a set of Rootborn Defenses . And if you have room for counter spells. Run Negate s, Cancel s, Render Silent s, and if you already have them, run Sphinx's Revelation
July 26, 2013 2:56 p.m.
Interesting. see what I was thinking was somewhere along those lines. Definitely doing the green/white slivers and token generation. But i was going to play more off of Galerider Sliver. That flying can go quite a ways (and the trample from the green sliver). I was thinking of possibly making use of those cipher abilities? like Hands of Binding preferably or Hidden Strings . Last Thoughts Would be really good if you'd prefer a more controlling deck as opposed to a board control type Bant deck. Stolen Identity Would be good for a token generating sliver deck, but the problem is the mana cost there :(
July 26, 2013 6:23 p.m.
Actually! Had a thought! if you were to do a bant sliver deck, board advantage style, you could probably overrun it with slivers and their tokens then use Devout Invocation to essentially mirror an entreat the angels! Or do a standard Craterhoof Behemoth thing and give them all +X/+X in addition to their flying from Galerider Sliver :)
July 26, 2013 6:26 p.m.
feyn_do_alduin says... #14
Sure you could. If you want to see how G/W slivers tokens work, here my build.
feyn_do_alduin says... #2
bant control i think is pretty midrangy. i suggest running esper detain w/aetherling
July 25, 2013 10:57 a.m.