vintage casual?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 1, 2013, 3:54 p.m. by Sidneyious
Im looking for a powerful deck to play a friend and I would like it to be bonkers, should i stay with the restricted list or just go nuts with it?
Hallowed_Titan says... #3
All I play is casual, my group sticks to vintage lists just for fairness. Most of them dont own any of the restricted cards, but a few of us do.
November 1, 2013 5:34 p.m.
You really should stick to the restricted list. When you start playing multiple copies of cards like Sol Ring or Mind's Desire , things get out of hand and turn into a game of coin flips.
Looking at your deck, though, you and your friends might have more fun if you just played Legacy. That way, you'd get four copies of Lotus Petal , Brainstorm , etc. and would just cut out the more broken cards from the deck (like Demonic Tutor ).
November 1, 2013 5:59 p.m.
Sidneyious says... #5
I am thinkin gof removing the gush bond engine. any ideas what to replace the 7 cards? 2 lands, gush(4) bond(1).
November 2, 2013 2:43 p.m.
I'd strongly suggest upping your ritual count and add in four Rite of Flame and four Manamorphose .
November 2, 2013 3:25 p.m.
I saw that you have four Dark Ritual and four Cabal Ritual , but I mean you need more on top of what you already have. Ideally, these would be moxen or Lion's Eye Diamond , but I'm guessing those are out of your budget.
Simian Spirit Guide or Elvish Spirit Guide are also good cards in ANT because they let you play early game, broken hands. However, they only provide a short boost, make your prone to countermagic, and don't work with Yawgmoth's Will .
November 3, 2013 1:31 a.m.
Sidneyious says... #8
Im already running 4 and 4, but I have done a revision, I will try to get up in the morning but its not looking like it, airsoft kicked me hard today.
What about cards like Simian Spirit Guide would they be good for something like this in place of the moxed, I could maybe do a tes storm I do have 2 empty the warrens.
November 3, 2013 1:46 a.m.
Sidneyious says... #9
sylvannos, Vintage Restricted List ANT I have updated it and it seems to run a lot smoother.
I eliminated some clutter and will move to a wish board for the other ANT combo if need be, that might replace gush bond when I get p9.
But really the deck don't work without gush bond, I need the stupid mana flow I can get with that.
Panda213 says... #2
95% of my play is casual and so I've built decks mainly w/o any restrinctions like O God, the Aftermath, they are fun to play but after the first few games nobody wants to play against them. Thats not to say that building decks in adherance to the restricted list aren't any good, Knights of the Square Peg, Round Hole is tourney legal and has actually won me one :) it just depends on the attitude of your playgroup and really just personal preference.
November 1, 2013 5:03 p.m.