want advice for angel reanimator deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 21, 2017, 1:50 p.m. by Morbid_Empress
i want to make this deck to play with my really casual playgroup at school. Like its so casual some people play with decks way over 60 cards. A lot of our games our multiplayer to.
I thought it would be cool to play an angel deck cause of the art on death pact angel. so i figured i should make re-animator or control.
i felt like trying re animator to make the deck faster.
Edit: here's the deck list angel
Anyways any advice for the deck. Im trying to keep it really budget.
White-Black is probably the way you want to go. You have to be a bit careful when designing a graveyard-based deck--it has the potential to become far too powerful for casual play (regularly playing Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur on turn one is how I lose friends). Here are a couple staples for reanimator you should consider:
Entomb is the most important card in a reanimator deck, allowing you to fetch your most powerful creatures. The card is a bit expensive though, so the slower Buried Alive can be used in its place.
Angelic Skirmisher is a pretty solid angel to cast, allowing you to attack with vigilance, keeping your creatures open so they can defend with first strike.
Splashing red would grant you access to Kaalia of the Vast, giving you another method of cheating out angels, as well as Faithless Looting and other draw+discard cards, granting card advantage while filling your graveyard.
Otherwise, there are a bunch of powerful angels out there. If you go heavy on cards like Entomb, you could spend a bit extra on fun/interesting cards, as you would only need one of each.
December 21, 2017 9:44 p.m.
Morbid_Empress says... #4
entheogeneral I really like Avatar of Discord and Terminate. Some of the others are nice as well but a bit out of my budget and power level of my friends decks.
December 22, 2017 6:49 a.m.
Morbid_Empress says... #5
I really like Angelic Skirmisher for the deck. The life link could even help with the life loss from the reanimation.
I'd Probly get Buried Alive as an upgrade if I really need it cause I'm trying to make this deck super cheap to start out. And most of my friends decks that they bring aren't that good.
December 22, 2017 6:55 a.m.
entheogeneral says... #6
Here's a cheap angel and combo breaker: Linvala, Keeper of Silence, since you like mean angels like Stoic Angel and Archangel of Tithes. But I understand the price range things, Sigarda, Host of Herons? I think your creature situation is good though. My last piece of advice is Necromancy.
December 22, 2017 3:28 p.m.
I agree with the other posters in this thread: play black for Reanimate spells. You may not even need red if you play cards like Smallpox, Pox, Collective Brutality, and so on that make everyone discard cards.
So you play a Smallpox, discard a fat angel, then Animate Dead/Reanimate/Necromancy/Unburial Rites/Shallow Grave/Exhume the angel back into play.
December 22, 2017 6:44 p.m.
Morbid_Empress says... #8
Wouldn't it be better to use spells like Cathartic Reunion and Faithless Looting because of the card advantage or do things like poo and small pot make up for that.
December 22, 2017 10:33 p.m.
entheogeneral says... #9
sylvannos, that would be an interesting addition, making it Stax-ish. Maybe even Death Cloud for late-game, then leaving both players with very little land, which matters not (because of the cheap reanimation spells). Maybe even some mass removal, like Wrath of God Damnation, and Day of Judgment.
December 23, 2017 10:21 a.m.
@Morbid_Empress: You can still play red, but only if it's in your budget. If budget is an issue, you can cut the red draw spells, use black discard outlets, then use black for Night's Whisper/Ancient Craving/Sign in Blood/Necropotence/Cruel Bargain/Phyrexian Arena/Griselbrand/Infernal Contract.
Griselbrand + Resolute Archangel is especially dirty, but that may be too tryhard if you're just playing casually with people at school who use 92 card decks.
entheogeneral says... #2
Your deck looks interesting, though I would suggest putting more creatures in, preferably lower costing ones that support the theme. Avatar of Discord, Magus of the Moat (to help with the life-loss thing), Careful Study, Noxious Revival, !!!Reanimate!!!, Profane Command, Terminate, Grimoire of the Dead, and Beacon of Unrest are all cards. I don't know what you're up against, but I hope me listing those badass card names helped.
December 21, 2017 6:27 p.m.