want help improving B/W/G mid range
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 12, 2013, 1:42 a.m. by sabba5600
specifically sideboard help against early game aggros.
and maybe a weigh in on my ideas for m14 cards to include.
pre-release got me my first scavenging ooze today and only one doom blade so over the next couple weeks I will look into grabbing a few more of those xD
with the m14 cards I have gotten so far I am thinking about taking the deck more into a lifegain direction and will be posting possible cards that I thinking about including.
detentionsphere says... #2
Honestly, before you buy anything else, complete your sets of shocklands. All your awesome bombs aren't going to do you any good if you can't cast them.
Other than that, more Smiters, Restos, and Thrags are good vs aggro, as well as Centaur Healer or even Lotleth Troll . As for M14, Doom Blade and Scavenging Ooze seem like good fits.
July 12, 2013 8:24 p.m.