W/B/R in Standard?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 6, 2014, 1:47 a.m. by MagnusMTG
I like Black. I like Red. I really like Black and Red together. I like Boros and I like Orzhov..
Is there a viable way to mix this chocolate, peanut butter, and caramel together into a delicious candy bar of kick-your-ass Magic goodness?
It could be either aggro or control, but I'm thinking a tool-box control/midrange deck is more what I'm looking for.
I can think of dozens of cards from each color that I'd like to use, but which ones specifically would mesh the best together to actually fare well in the current Standard meta?
I'll go through my collection and post a deck:maybeboard pile.
For the time being, here is a pile of black and red cards I have access to that I'm considering for a Rakdos-flavored aggro deck:
Rakdos Stuff in a Pile Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 13 VIEWSnotamardybum says... #3
I've been in the same boat, trying to find the right combination of cards I'd like to put together.
I've been on the look for these decks to see how people build them. I've seen heavy control with few creatures, to a much more heavy creature build
This is what I have so far
Dega-Bow-Bow Playtest
SCORE: 5 | 5 COMMENTS | 645 VIEWSJanuary 6, 2014 3:14 a.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #4
Here's mine. From playing with friends and messing with the card options of the colors this is somewhat the final project. I tried to main white and also there are so many good cards between the 3 colors and their combinations that people mess it up by overloading good stuff. So far my deck has faired consistently well without siding just for playtesting and wins consistently against control and aggro and midrange. I've really cut a lot of cards I really wanted to use just to smooth out the curve &/or specifics on CMC (like using BB or WW or RR or WWRR or BBWW). I agree with notamardybum with seeing lots of heavy control or creatures.
What're the Obz of Dat? Playtest
SCORE: 14 | 23 COMMENTS | 712 VIEWSAlso if you'd like to look at this, at the most recent Open a guy placed in Top 16 with his deck here: http://mtgdecks.net /decks/view/63488. Building a W/B/R in standard is like building Junk, finding the right combination of the good cards the colors offer
MagnusMTG says... #2
Here's the cattle-call for possible inclusion in a W/R/B deck:
W/B/R Stuff in a Pile Playtest
Standard* MagnusMTG
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 1 VIEWSIf you have good suggestions for what should be in a deck with these colors, check the maybeboard to see what I actually own first. If you have a really good suggestion for a card that I don't have, consider that I have a very limited budget. Please still make the suggestion, but only if nothing else I have could be used in its place.
I'm really at a loss here. I have a gut feeling that this idea could work, but other than throwing 30-40 random spells together, I don't know what to do.
January 6, 2014 2:27 a.m.