Weenies versus Control help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 14, 2013, 8:57 a.m. by Dalektable

deck chart A Good Man Goes To War

SCORE: 86 | 13 COMMENTS | 8709 VIEWS
Standard Dalektable Playtest

Is running pretty smoothly, no problems at all with other aggro decks or midrange. But control is looking to be a problem, and i need some help siding against it. You can see results from last nights FNM on my deck, and i need some major help against Supreme Verdict . Any suggestions are more than welcome and if you do this i'd be more than happy to check out one of your decks.

Slycne says... #2

It's going to depend on how much you're willing to change the deck for how much you can improve that match-up. You're just always going to be weak to control with a package of auras and creatures that are relying on synergy rather than their own power. It's just too easy for them to get massive card advantage by answering your suited threats.

See, if we remove Heliod, God of the Sun for not getting devoted, Hopeful Eidolon / Phalanx Leader for requiring help, that leaves 11 actually creatures in the deck that a control deck really needs to care about. Compare that to a normal WW deck that has upwards of 20+, a bunch of 2/1s for 1 are much better at running a control player out of answers. That said, decks need to pick their battles. You can't be favored in every match-up.

Assuming you don't want to radically change into a 12 one drop aggro deck. There are a few things that could help. Mutavault would be an excellent first start as it's insurance against Supreme Verdict and any other sorcery speed removal. You could also splash Red or Black for Boros Charm , Xathrid Necromancer , Sin Collector , etc. Glare of Heresy can also be useful for blowing up Detention Sphere and Elspeth, Sun's Champion . Or just have some more threats in your sideboard that you can board the auras out for, Dryad Militant would be a good start and another Precinct Captain since he can force a Supreme Verdict by himself.

The last aspect is just getting used to the match-up. Since WW lacks the reach of Red decks, you have to play this balancing act of committing to the board and holding back cards so they don't all get wrathed. Sometimes you don't have a choice though and have to play your hand and hope they don't have it. Understanding when and where to do this just comes with time.

December 14, 2013 10:09 a.m.

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