what are the best cards in general...
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 26, 2012, 11:48 a.m. by gheridarigaaz
To be used in a 5 color control deck?
In green- abundant growth and mulch appeal to me
Red generally has good removal though i'm torn between burning oil and searing spear. Definitely running Bofire too
Black has discard which is pretty handy against hexproof threats and is the key color to run with nicol bolas
White has good removal too with O-ring and sigarda is another reason to run this color alongside green
Blue has counterspells and draw, maybe jace memory. adept too
I already have a 5 color deck but it's graveyard-centric and i'll probably be up against a lot of graveyard hate If I haven't already prompted people to use it . I want to make one that doesn't rely so much on cards in the graveyard. Even though I really love the look on my opponents face when I manage a T4 griselbrand from an unburial rites. Stupid thing is that fnm where I play. Doesn't really permit control decks to shine seeing a.s we're pressed for time when we have more than a certain number of players, so I'm also looking for a way to end the game sooner and ways to keep my. threats on the board without them dying to every bit of removal my opponent has drawn and not been able to use because I've just been thowing spells at their threats
PasorofMuppets says... #3
One or two Chromatic Lantern seems good. Super mana-fixes and provides acceleration.
September 26, 2012 12:05 p.m.
NoSkillManiac says... #4
Acidic Slime ! :D Also, Mizzium Mortars over Searing and stuff, one more damage and overload can drop their field. Cyclonic Rift is a good call too... For black, you may want to think about Bloodgift Demon , and Nicol Bolas would be a solid P/W choice, along with Garruk Relentless Flip or Chandra, the Firebrand (Double that overloaded Mizzium Mortars ? :D) Also, Snapcaster Mage ... Err, you want that uncounterable boardwipe as well... whatever the card is. Abrupt Decay may be decent, if you need to hit something, and Loxodon Smiter can hold your deck together, to an extent.
September 26, 2012 12:36 p.m.
Why don't you pick one or two of the colors and make life a little easier for yourself?
September 26, 2012 1:13 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #6
Its more fun to play more colors, granted it is more dangerous, but dont you just love having the best spells available to each color just at your fingertips? Besides... its not impossible. I would spring for the snapcaster suggestion but i'd like to shy away from graveyard based strategies on this one. Any suggestions for ossibly making the idea mmore creature. Based
September 26, 2012 1:49 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #7
Well whatever you do make sure to have 4x Chromatic Lantern . You are ALWAYS going to want one in your opening hand.
gheridarigaaz says... #2
I forgot to mention that its going to be a standard deck
September 26, 2012 11:49 a.m.