What deck to run at fnm?
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 11, 2013, 11:28 p.m. by Dalektable
I have two decks im considering running at FNM this week, but im not sure which. Opinion on which of these two i should play? Selesnya Tokens Aggro or Mono-Red Aggro burn
Dalektable says... #3
capriom85 Hmmm interesting, i like the look of flashLing quite a bit but that might just be because american control really interests me. It seems it could easily control the board long enough for you to drop that winning AEtherling. And on the other side of things the other deck is pretty aggressive if you can get the cards out. Either would work, to me it would come down to what kind of gameplay do i want for the night. Also i really like both decks, i wish i had the funds to build decks like that nut unfortunately im kind of held back by that fact.
June 11, 2013 11:50 p.m.
MTGCheese7 says... #4
I have been tested a grixis deck for the past week for this upcoming FNM. Its actually better then I though , rotative friendly, and not much of wasting money. Check it out if you want and I would go with your Mono Red since its more aggressive, but make sure you win fast against control decks ;)
June 11, 2013 11:55 p.m.
Dalektable says... #5
Seems like a solid deck, god control decks man haha. Hard to build a good one, even harder to play against a good one. Have fun aggravating all your local players at fnm friday ;)
capriom85 says... #2
I would run the mono-red. It seems to be more likely to win. The token deck is lacking in the really great token generation available right now for g/w. Advent of the Wurm , Voice of Resurgence , and Call of the Conclave would be great additions. Good luck on Friday.
I am torn between flashLing and You Just BANT Win myself to run at FNM this week. Care to take a look?
June 11, 2013 11:38 p.m.