What do I have here? Anyone?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 7, 2013, 11:25 a.m. by SleeplessPr1nce

I just finished this deck and I've got it down as an aggro-control but I think it might be more of a tempo. I don't know which one it is so anyone who has experience with aggro-control or tempo decks could give me some help that would helpful. I really don't care which one it is I just want to know so I can label it correctly.

deck chart Glorious Azorius(Feedback Wanted)

Standard nadder447 Playtest

The Doctor says... #2

You should be trying to fit in some Fiendslayer Paladin and Archangel of Thune .

November 7, 2013 12:27 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #3

In terms of the question you asked, it's difficult for something to be both aggro AND control at the same time. Also Detain is a very tempo based mechanic.

I personally don't think of aggro or control as having certain requirements like counterspells, etc., but it's more of a deck feel/mindset. In a control deck in my opinion, you are stalling the board and denying threats and resources to the other player while gaining card advantage and board position until you stick your threats and end the game. Because of this I think mid-range and control can work decently together, but being truly aggro is hard. Tempo fits your deck better because detain is about slowing down your opponent's pace (their tempo you could say) while you out-race them and beat them down. Your deck is more about outracing someone by slowing them down than about denying threats and resources until you stick a fatty.

November 7, 2013 12:49 p.m.

That's kind of what I thought. Than I guess I should re-label this as a tempo deck. Which is fine, I just wanted to be sure of it, and what you said in your comment does sound a lot like what I was going for. So I guess I have a tempo deck here after all.

Thanks Nigeltastic! :)

November 7, 2013 6:54 p.m.

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